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Rejuvenation Breathing

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Rejuvenation Breathing for your 14 Organs

Each Physiological System has an organ.



1 The organ of the Nervous System is the Small Intestine.

2 The organ of the Surfactant System is the Stomach.

3 The organ of the Lymphatic System is the Large Intestine.

4 The organ of the Urinary System is the Urinary Bladder.

5 The organ of the Buffering System is the Gall Bladder.

6 The organ of the Digestive System is the Submucosa. Its meridian is the Triple Heater or Triple Warmer.

7 The organ of the Immune System is the Lamina Propria. Its meridian is the Lamina Propria Meridian, which runs from your middle finger, up your arm, down into your torso and up your neck and head closely following the line of your Submucosa (Triple Heater) Meridian.


Like the submucosa, the lamina propria is a lining in your respiratory, gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary systems. It's between the surface layer (epithelium) and the submucosa, and helps to fight invading pathogens attached to the air you breathe, the food you eat and the shit you pass.



8 The organ of the Cardiovascular System is the Heart.

9 The organ of the Muscular System is the Spleen.

10 The organ of the Respiratory System is the Lungs.

11 The organ of the Skeletal System is the Kidneys.

12 The organ of the Detoxifying System is the Liver.

13 The organ of the Reproductive System is the Pericardium.

14 The organ of the Adipose System is the Peritoneum.


For any conditions associated with a particular organ, use the hand position for the Physiological System and check which tongue position you need. Often it's the Pain Relieving Tongue Position because it releases inflammation of that organ, but it may be that another one is causal to that inflammation.


For example, fat people have a massive amount of inflammation in their bodies, so they may need the Pain Relieving Tongue Position or they may need the Fat Burning Tongue Position. Use whichever tongue position relaxes your whole body the most. To see more go BANANA.

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Boosted Breathing Behaviours

Laughter is boosted breathing. Your breathing is boosted with nine sounds - seven for a band around and through your body and two for your lower and upper body.

To get more specific and effective, you can also use behaviours related to those sounds. For example, you can start laughing on "aw" with 14 outbursts, then change it to crying.

And you can cry 14 times on "aw" after that until your grief is all out. Don't sob. Don't make a sound on your in breath. That just takes in more grief. If you feel like sobbing it means that you need a hug from mummy. Give yourself a hug.

There are seven, Boosted Breathing Behaviours, PLUS 2. They release withheld emotions.

1 Screaming releases pain, embarrassment. Use "air".

2 Whining or whimpering releases anxiety. Use "ah".

3 Crying releases grief. Use "aw".

4 Groaning releases fear. Use "er".

5 Shouting releases anger. Use "ee".

6 Singing releases shame. Use "oo" as in "wood".

7 Laughing releases guilt. Use "oo" as in "too".

8 Whistling releases ???. Use "a" as in "hat".

9 Popping releases ???. Use "o" as in "hot".

10 "ooo" releases ??? . Use ??? as in ???.

Many times, when you are feeling overloaded and confused emotionally, you don't know what you are feeling. You just feel raw, fragile and vulnerable.

Discover which emotion needs to be released by pressing the release points at the ends of your toes. The toe tips are Yang, the toe bevels - just on a slant between the tips and the bones - are Yin.

Yang relates to what you have done or thought to do. Yin relates to what you have received or thought to receive. There are seven of each and each one relates to a behaviour (thinking or doing) of yours. If the point is sore, massage it using God Breathing or ???, cry, ???, ???, or ??? using the appropriate vowel and Tongue Position.

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Seven Element Breathing

Jesus Christ rubbed his spit on a man's eyes and the man could see. Did he need the spit? No. He was simply showing the people of that area that he respected their traditional ways and would work with them.


It was just a way to show respect for the local healing tradition. There are many ways to transmit divine grace.


Centuries later the Unani-Tib tradition of North Africa was adopted by Europe, and became naturopathy and homeopathy based on the four Elements and "humours".


Traditional Indian Medicine works with five elements. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works with Five Element Theory but has an anomalous sixth element, which is useful but not complete. The number of completion is seven and there are, in fact, seven elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Wood, Electromagnetism and Space/Time.


Each element has polarity - a positive and negative charge. For example, Space is + and Time is - .


In a monkey's body each Element is related to two organs - + and - . For example, the Element of Fire is related to your Small Intestine (+) and your Heart (-). And this occurs in relation to each Meridian Branch.


For example, the Sinew Meridians have seven points above the chin - the centreline point, three to the left of it and three to the right of it (see diagram). So you can touch the Sinew Meridian point for Wood - on the second dip right of the central point - and breathe to reduce eye pressure and heal your eyes.


Yang and Yin

Points above your lip are Yang. Points below your lip are Yin. Thus, above your top lip, for your Sinew Branches, there are points for balance which relate to your Urinary Bladder and Gall Bladder Meridians.


Please consider your Yang and Yin points carefully. Once you know where to place your tongue tip you will be able to ease many dis-eases with breathing, including eyes, nose and sinuses.



These points are in the dips below the nose and above the chin.





These points are in the dips above and below your lips.



These points are in the dips, inside the mouth, just above the top lip and just below the bottom lip.



These points are in the top, front gutter between your top lip and top gum, and in the bottom, front gutter between your bottom lip and bottom gutter.



These points are in the front of your top teeth and bottom teeth.



These points are on the crowns of your top teeth and bottom teeth.



These points are on the backs of your top teeth and bottom teeth.



These points are on the flat ceiling behind the top teeth and the shelf that slopes down just behind the bottom teeth.



These points are on the arch sloping up and back behind the top teeth and ceiling, and the wall dropping below the bottom teeth and shelf.



These points are in the soft, back gutter above the arch and in the soft, back gutter behind the wall.


11 These points are on the uvula, the soft tissue that hangs down behind your mouth, and the soft cushion on the floor of your mouth.



These points are right at the back of the top of your tongue and right at the back of the bottom of your tongue, in the corner between that and your soft cusion.



These points are in the top, middle of your tongue and the bottom, middle of your tongue.



These points are in the top, front of your tongue and the bottom, front of your tongue.

Back Breathing

Imagine an elastic band around your hips. When you do the Tailbone Turning Breathing it lifts your tailbone or coccyx up, easing pain. When you do the Pain Relief Breathing Technique your tailbone will move downwards. Click here to learn how.

Imagine an elastic band around your sacrum. When you do the Sugar Down Breathing Technique your sacrum will move downwards. But when you do the opposite of the Sugar Down Breathing Technique, which is the Sacrum Soothing Breathing Technique, your sacrum will move upwards, easing pain by traction. Click here to learn how.

Imagine an elastic band around your upper belly. When you do the Bloat Busting Breathing Technique your lower back will move downwards. But when you do the Lower Back Breathing Technique your lower back with move upwards, easing pain by traction. Because this may give you more bloat, do some Bloat Busting Breathing Technique afterwards to balance it. Click here to learn how.


Imagine a band around your neck and throat. When you use the Neck Aligning Breathing Technique it lifts your neck up and relaxes your throat down. It is the opposite of the Eye Easing Breathing Technique, so it may increase eye pressure, so do some Eye Easing Breathing Technique afterwards to balance it.


Imagine a band around your face and head. When you use the Atlas Aligning Breathing Technique it lifts your neck up and relaxes your face down. It is the opposite of the Stress Reducing Breathing Technique, so it may increase facial sag, so do some Stress Reducing Breathing Technique afterwards to balance it.


Imagine a headband around your scalp. When you use the ??? Breathing Technique it tightens your scalp.


Many people can’t do this. For those who can, it may not last long, so use the Ankle Sustain technique to hold it for a good, long time.


YANG (back) hollows

Your red hollow is below your left ribcage, towards your spine. To see it clearly, click here now.



Your orange hollow is at your waist, in line with your navel. To see it clearly, click here now.


Your yellow hollow is at the left, lower corner of your lower back, towards your spine. To see it clearly, click here now.



Your green hollow is at the right, lower corner of your lower back, towards your spine. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your blue hollow is at your waist, in line with your navel. To see it clearly, click here now.


YIN (front) hollows

Your pink hollow is below your left ribcage (costal border), about half way along. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your amber hollow is at your waist, in line with your navel, just to the left of the “dinner plate” of your abdomen. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your lime hollow is at the left, lower corner of your abdomen, between your left hip and left pubic bone. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your aqua hollow is at the right, lower corner of your abdomen, between your right hip and right pubic bone. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your lavender hollow is below your right ribcage (costal border), about half way along. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your mauve hollow is immediately below your breastbone (xyphoid process). To see it clearly, click here now.

Feel all 14 points. Which is the most tense? It will feel tense and hard underneath and puffy and flaccid on top.

Breathe for it, then when it’s done feel what come up next in priority order and breathe for that one. The process may take months. Adding the colour visualisation and music in the right key will accelerate the healing. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your indigo hollow is below your right ribcage, towards your spine. To see it clearly, click here now.

Your violet hollow is at your sacro-coccygeal disc, between your sacrum – the broad, flat, triangular shaped, base bone of your spine - and your coccyx (tailbone). To see it clearly, click here now.

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