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Seventh Heaven - the Pathway to Love

The content of this section has been rewritten from a Message from Jessica Bishop, Australia, 2023. I thank her for her remarkable insight.

What is love?

Everywhere we hear the word ‘love’, it is bandied around. I love my new bike, I love you, I love climbing mountains. So, when we say this word, what do we mean?

‘I love my bike’ – I enjoy the sensations and experiences I have with my bike, and thinking about it, and looking at it reminds me of that pleasure. 


‘I love you’ – well this could mean a few things, but often it means similar to the above ‘I enjoy, deeply value, love the feel of how I am when I am with you’. 

But is this what God means when He says ‘I am love’, ‘God is love’ 1 John 4:16 Let’s do a bit of a dive into some Biblical definitions of love, starting with the Greek words and their meanings. 

We start with the love in 1 John 4:16 – many of us this word is Agape. Agape is love, goodwill. The longer definition in Strong’s concordance is: ‘love which centres in moral preference’.


In secular, ancient Greek the word meant ‘prefer’. So therefore in the Bible the meaning is divine love, what God prefers. For us as believers then, it is doing what God prefers.


This love requires choice and selection. It was personified in Jesus who chose us, over himself. Agape focuses on a value-driven love, but doesn’t exclude philos- experienced based love. It includes sacrificial, unconditional love.

Lets quickly look at  two other Greek words for love. "Phileo" means brotherly/platonic/friendship love, regard with affection, cherish, affectionate friendship  - to show warm affection in intimate friendship. It's an experienced based love.


"Eros" means pleasurable, sexual love. It's not used in the New Testament of the Christian Bible as it had unhelpful connotations, as this type of love was deeply misused in this time, as it is within our time. I see agape as the height of love, while phileo and eros can be subcomponents of agape in certain situations, but not in all. 


If we turn to the Old Testament we see God again has a few words to describes his love. In Deuteronomy 7:8 it says "But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your forefathers". In this case love was referred to as "chashaq" or delight and comes from the root word meaning to press together. 

The word "aheb" means to have affection for, and can be sexual or other (Genesis 24:67). The word "hesed" means goodness/kindness or lovingkindness (Ex 34:6).

Agape is: 

  • Patient

  • Kind

  • It does not envy

  • It does not boast

  • It is not proud

  • It is not rude

  • It is not self seeking

  • Is is not easily angered

  • It keeps no record of wrong

  • Love does not delight in evil

  • It rejoices in truth

  • Always protects

  • Always trusts

  • Always hopes

  • Always perseveres


We move from a me-centred, what feels good to me, what I enjoy, to an other- centred love. You ask "What is in the best interest of all concerned, how can I prefer the other?"

Is this new to you or are you well familiar with this Biblical view of love? How do we feel about all of this? Personally, I struggle to love the unlovable, and a lot … and then I’m reminded this makes sense.


The only way this love is possible is in God and through God in us via his Spirit. Galatians 5:22 says that  that love is a fruit of the Spirit. So how do we engage in this growth of love with God in us?


Luke 10:27 quotes Jesus Christ, in answer to being asked what is the most important Law, as saying “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’”


So we need to love God – with our heart, soul, strength & mind.

And love our neighbour

As ourselves. 


Leviticus 19:18 says to love (aheb) your neighbour as yourself. We may very easily and comfortably reflect on the first part of this text – love the Lord our God, and the second bit, love our neighbour, but do we ever love our neighbour as ourselves. 


This is a sound theological standpoint for loving ourselves, so what does that love look like?  1 Corinthians 6  says you are not your own, you are bought at a price, so we are to steward, to take care of for good use, all of us. 

Jennifer Jill Schwirzer often uses the analogy of an old bike when working with clients who are mentally or physically treating themselves poorly. If you own an old bike you feel free to treat it however you like, you let if fall over, leave it out to rust and don’t worry if it is dented.


But, if the bike is not ours, not matter how old or dented, do we feel the same right to allow the bike to be further damaged? No, it is not ours.


It is the same for us, our minds, our bodies. As Christians we choose to give ourselves back to God, to be re-created in the image he made us to be. We don’t have carte blanche to treat ourselves as we like. 


So what does Biblical self love look like? 1 Corinthians 13 gives you a sense of what this looks like.

Do you struggle to be patient and kind to yourself? Do you struggle to think well of yourself in a humble way? Are you slow to anger with yourself, slow to chastise yourself? Do you forgive yourself?

Do you delight in truth – or hold onto errors about how you see yourself? Do you see yourself as God sees you – as immensely valuable, brought at a price.

Do you persevere with yourself, hope in and protect yourself?

Such is the same with who we are – we are slaves to sin, slaves to self- centeredness. BUT Jesus gave his life – and as Christians we offer ourselves to him, we are not our own to treat however we like. We are bought at a price, and as such, are of infinite worth.


Which comes back to Agape. You see, God treats us with unconditional love, he chooses to prefer us, not because we deserve it, but because he has lovingkindness towards us, because he delights in us, because he wants to be close with us. 

So please consider the beautiful love God has for us. Take a moment to pause and reflect what stood out to you the most today? What are you going to take to Heart, that you and God can work on together, so that you can be drawn more fully into the loving life He calls you to?

How to Hear God and Jesus Speaking

We all hear the voice of God and Jesus Christ differently. Some get their communication through dreams and visions, some through a voice in their heads, some through signs from the external world, and some through feelings in the body.


I get their messages clearly and immediately through breathing. Lower Belly breathing says YES, God approves. In other words, when I breathe in my lower belly goes out, and when I breathe out my lower belly goes in. Think opposites.


Upper Belly breathing, supported by Lower Belly breathing, says YES, Jesus Christ urges you do go this way. In other words, when I breathe in my upper belly goes out, and when I breathe out my upper belly goes in. Think opposites.


If I get Lower Chest breathing, supported by Lower Belly and Upper Belly breathing, God and Jesus Christ approve my Soul urge to move in a certain direction. In other words, when I breathe in my lower chest goes out, and when I breathe out my lower chest goes in, connected to and supported by my lower and upper belly breathing. It's a YES from all three. 

The opposite to Lower Belly breathing is Reverse Lower Belly Breathing. In other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in rather than out. That's the opposite of God breathing - in other words, it's Satanic.

The opposite to Upper Belly breathing is Reverse Upper Belly Breathing. In other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in rather than out. That's the opposite of God breathing - in other words, it's Devilish.

The opposite to Lower Chest breathing is Reverse Lower Chest Breathing. In other words, when you breathe in your lower chest goes in rather than out. That's the opposite of Soul breathing - in other words, it's Ego.

Hebrews 3:12 says "See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God." Living God means breathing God, so if you follow your breathing you are following the living God.


How others communicate with God, Jesus Christ and their own Souls

My Sabbath School teacher says this: "I  understand that God speaks through the Holy Spirit. Here are a few verses that talk about that.


 Hebrews 3:7-11 says:

"So, as the Holy Spirit says:

Today, if you hear his voice,
8     do not harden your hearts
as you did in the rebellion,
   during the time of testing in the wilderness,
9 where your ancestors tested and tried me,
   though for forty years they saw what I did.
10 That is why I was angry with that generation;
   I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray,
   and they have not known my ways.’
11 So I declared on oath in my anger,
   ‘They shall never enter my rest.'"

Ezekial 2:2 says "As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me."

Mark 13:11 "Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit."

I believe that it is the Holy Spirit speaking to me on behalf of God the Father and God the Son who work in unity.


So, sometimes this communication is via a clear thought in my mind. For example, today I was talking with a friend who is spiritually minded, and we were discussing the idea of UFOs, ‘other beings’ etc, and so I had the thought, but really an impression on my mind, ‘share with her Job 1’. So, I did, and she was really moved and affirmed in her faith. It’s almost like my own thought, but it is very clear and distinct, and I can almost visualise it in my mind.


Sometimes this ‘clear thought’ will come into my mind in answer to a prayer. For example, recently I had someone approach me and ask what resource they could use to help understand the Bible more, and later when I was thinking and praying about that a resource jumped into my mind.


I often will then engage in some sort of checking system (if I’m not on the spot). It can vary, but in this instance of the resource, I thought about it some more, I talked to the person to see what they were after, I went back to the resource and I looked at it and I thought yes, this is suitable.


Then I prayed again, and then this is where my feelings come in because I have a feeling of peace about it and a feeling that says ‘yes this is it, this is good, this is what’s needed’. This is a fairly familiar feeling, I can look back at instances where I have had this feeling and now can see it was God leading me.


At other times I haven’t listened to this feeling, and have made a different choice which has felt like going into the path that I have had a ‘cautionary warning’ about, and in those instances not good things have come.

Sometimes I will experience the words and feeling together. For example, last year I was asking God some really important questions about a big decision, a decision that would impact my health and well-being and that of my family. I felt the words, ‘just stay and wait’ and those words came with a sense of peace or calm, and a sense of resting in a good place.

And again I usually double check this by talking to people who I trust, who are important to me, and who I see as a spiritual leader. These conversations usually confirm that feeling and the thought I have experienced.


The other main way God communicates to me is through the Bible. Whenever I read it, or begin to prepare a sermon or study lesson, I ask God to share the message with me that he wants me to hear, or in the instance of study/sermon, that he wants others to hear. And then usually I get interested in something, and then that leads to a train of thoughts, and before I know it a sermon is written, or I have a ‘message’ relevant to me for the day, which sometimes God then has me share with others I meet that day."

The difference in the senses

My Sabbath School teacher receives her messages from God through the sense of thinking. It's like animal whispering. When your mind is not in your head but in your heart, you can receive thoughts from others. But how does she check that it's not a Satanic thought? 

She gets a feeling of peace in her heart at the same time. This feeling of peace accompanies correct, Lower Belly Breathing as well. It does not accompany Reversed or Satanic Lower Belly Breathing. "Cautionary warnings" are accompanied by Reverse Breathing.

She also gets messages from God visually, by reading. I remember when I got a tune from Jesus Christ, the tune to the Christmas carol called Christmas Light.


I prayed, opened the Bible to Luke 1 & 2, and the words jumped out at me. All the while that I was writing the words I had deep, relaxed, correct Lower Belly breathing. Writing the first three verses of the song was sooo easy! It's Christianity in a nutshell.

An elder in our church has had several brushes with death. During those times he has heard God's "voice" in his mind reassuring him of his safety. Again, he hears thoughts because he drops into his heart and can hear God's message in this relaxed state. 

Matthew 10:19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

If you can speak you can sing, so if God can speak through you God can sing through you too. I have tried thus using Sustained Healing Prayer, and my voice has been remarkably different - though amazing - when praying for God to sing through me and when praying for Jesus Christ to sing through me. By practising like this my own singing has improved a great deal too!

John 16:13 "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."

If you can allow Jesus Christ and God to sing through you, you can allow the Holy Spirit to sing through you too! What does that sound like? How do you do each of the three?

I use this Prayer Format.

"I pray that Jesus Christ/God/the Holy Spirit sings through me now. 

Thank you God. Amen."

When God sings through me the air hits the ceiling in the upper palate of my mouth. When Jesus Christ sings through me the air hits the arch in the upper palate of my mouth. And when the Holy Spirit sings through me ??? In each case the breath is produced differently and the sound is different. Fascinating!

We have many senses

Most of us think that we have only a few senses, but some psychologists say that we have 21 senses, including the senses of time and space. So reflect on which ones you receive communication well with, and keep them clear by daily use.


Develop your sensitivity with them by checking the best foods for you to eat at every meal. You will need that when it comes to making bigger decisions, such as buying a house. My Sabbath School teacher decided to become an elder in our church by a mix of the senses ... (JESS PLEASE ADD)

Certainly it's worth checking your breathing, because God breathes through you with every breath that you take. Breath is life, and God gives you life. Reverse Breathing leads to death, which is why it's clearly Satanic. 

You can check your breathing visually, by looking down at your belly. You can check it auditorily, be hearing its flow past your ears. You can check it by touch, by placing your left palm on your upper belly and your right palm on your lower belly. And you can check it kinesthetically, by feeling its movement in your abdomen. 

So because it involves four, standard senses, it's very reliable as a standard to check your decisions by. It's also very quick, because after you have practised it for a few months you can feel it during a breath and know which way to go within seconds. This speed makes it very handy during emergencies.

And the fact that you can continue the breathing over 14 breaths makes it very handy as a solid, reliable check for important decisions. 

How God Heals Cancer

In January 2021 I had seven cancers on the backs of my hands - small ones. I got rid of them in seven hours, not by surgery but by changing the cells back into normal cells. In other words, I reversed the genes. It's as easy to change your genes as it is to change your Levis!

Unfortunately I didn't photograph or video this. So when I developed two SCCs (Squamous Cell Carcinomas) on my right forearm and left calf, I went to the General Practitioner who said that he thought that I had two BCCs (Basal Cell Carcinomas) and two SCCs (Squamous Cell Carcinomas). A carcinoma is a cancer tumour - a lump of cancerous cells.

So two days later I got a friend to take photos of them all. Then I began working on them. The SCC on the left calf went first. Please compare the photos of the calf on Wednesday, 2nd August and on Friday, 4th August. Here are the ones from the 2nd of August, on the cheek (BCC), on the back of the forearm and on the back of the left calf (SCCs). 

Grow Your Vision

And here is the one from the 4th of August.

Grow Your Vision

This was taken on 5-8-23 showing the BCC on the cheek.

Grow Your Vision

This was taken on 5-8-23 showing the BCC on the back.

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This was taken on 5-8-23 showing the SCC on the back of the right forearm.

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his was taken on 5-8-23 showing the SCC on the back of the left calf.

Fervent Prayer

The book of James says, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (5:16b ESV). Other translations say, “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (NIV) or “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (KJV). Sustained, Prime Commandment Prayer, in the Divine Sandwich format,  is sooo effective because it is fervent, strongly called down or sung down using ALL of your strength, ALL of your mind (including your unconscious mind), ALL of your heart (shown by the body in serenade position) and ALL of your Soul (shown by your hand position).


That's what it's about, THAT is why it is sooo effective, because YOU open to Jesus Christ and God completely (including your unconscious mind) so that they can sort you out. I used this form of prayer to express fully my fervent desire for my unforgiveness to go, and as it went the cancer went too.

Signalling Pathways

Signalling pathways are responsible for inducing the cell division required to regenerate new hair cells.  Two molecular signaling pathways are crucial to this process. When these pathways are activated in adult transgenic mice, remaining inner ear cells could divide and develop characteristics of hair cells.


The new cells contained transduction channels that relay sound signals and the ability to form connections with auditory neurons — processes essential to hearing. Because you can boost hearing using Sustained, Prime Commandment Prayer (fervent prayer) and regrow and reduce other body parts with this method, it becomes clear that molecular signalling pathways are a crucial part of the process of body regrowth.


Grow Your Vision

Then I had another friend at church take photos on Saturday, 5th August. Please look at the difference in the arm photos. Then I began working on them. The first is the BCC on my back. The light is better so you can see the hairs in it.

Grow Your Vision

On Sunday, 6th August, by another person, the SCC on the back of my right forearm.

Grow Your Vision

On Wednesday, 16-8-23, first the distance shot, then the close up. I had worked on them on some days, maybe half the time in the last 10 days, and the progress they made was to sink back into the skin. In other words, the skin cancer (SCC) cells were turning, genetically, back into normal skin cells instead of proliferating exponentially.

Grow Your Vision

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Grow Your Vision

Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. 

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How I Pray, Following the Prime Commandment of Jesus Christ

Prime Commandment PrayerElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 16:20

1 I wear no ornamentation. It's just me in organic, cotton clothing, no metal or synthetic clothing.

2 I drink water beforehand - purified water.

3 I use a Divine Sandwich format - I sandwich my desire between two names of the divine, Jesus Christ and God.

5 I get specific with God. I ask for the exact lump of cells that need to be healed - "on the back of my right forearm".

6 I follow the Prime Commandment of Jesus Christ - to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your Soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. "Jesus Christ did not say "10% of your heart, 10% of your Soul, 10% of your mind and 10% of your strength." He said "all". That's 100%!

So how do you do "all"?

How do you do "all" of your heart? You curl your right fingers over  your left as pictured below. This produces maximum warmth in your voice.

How do you do "all" of your Soul? You blink with both eyelids slowly, very slowly, as you finish the prayer. It's the way to communicate Soul to Soul love. This sends the prayer out from your Soul.

How do you do "all" of your mind? Psychologists agree that your Conscious Mind is, at most, 10% of your mind. Your Subconscious, Unconscious and Superconscious Mind is the rest. How do you include them?

It's easy. Your Unconscious Mind loves music. So you Sing Down the prayer to open your Unconscious Mind - where all your sins are stored - to Jesus Christ so that he can sort them out for your. The technique of Singing Down includes 100% of your mind.

How do you do "all" of your strength? You sing strongly. You start loudly, going from loud to soft to sing it down, from high to low to sing it down, and from fast to slow to sing it down. Yes, in the beginning you might feel embarrassed because you are not used to it. But do it a few times by yourself first, then realise that both God and Jesus Christ want you to share the good news of salvation by example, and do it in public as a normal part of your life so that others get the idea.

In 1970 I got the idea that jogging was good for my health. So I began jogging along the footpath, to the weird looks and jeers of passers by. Now jogging is fully accepted as an exercise, as normal. That's how ideas spread. One day I would love to see prayer - Sustained, Healing Prayer done by the first commandment of Jesus Christ - accepted as normal, so please join me when you have practised it privately a few times and do it in public. 

I have stopped jogging now. I realise that it's better for my joints to trampoline or Buzz. Now I Buzz in public!

The Three, Great Traditions of Healing

There are three great traditions of healing. Unani-Tib from north Africa travelled to Europe and eventually America. It had four Elements.


TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) had five Elements and an anomalous sixth (Minister Fire). And TIM (Traditional Indian Medicine or Ayurveda) also had five Elements.


The Bible says that the number of completeness is seven. Although useful, none of the Traditional Medicines are complete. And Seven Element Acupuncture - as practised by Cheeky Monkey and Jesus Christ - is more useful than Five Element Acupuncture because it includes the Immune and Adipose Systems.


It's also clear from physics that there are seven elemental forces - Gravity, Levity, Electromagnetism, the Strong Nuclear Force, the Weak Nuclear Force, Pants with no Pockets and the Force that Makes Dogs run Straight for the Groin of a Stranger. So it's time to realise that we don't know everything, even in the great traditions of healing, and more is being discovered all the time.

The New Commandment of Jesus

Jesus Christ gave us one, new, overriding commandment - to love. He divided it into three - love God, love your neighbour and love yourself.

The Pathway of Love divides it into seven, bite-sized chunks, each of them measurable at their related Massage Points on your body.

Your Seven Happiness Hollows

You have seven, deep wells in your body surface - navel, dip, hollow, nook, notch, dip and perineum. Test and correct each one individually, understanding its meaning and food nourishment.

Then compare them to discover which to begin working with first and progress by practising love on that level until the tension caused by non-loving attitudes releases and you move on - or back - to another Happiness Hollow.

1 Your Navel

This is usually a deep hollow in the middle of your belly. Press into it with your middle finger. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One bone length (the first bone of your middle finger)? Two bone lengths? Three?

That's the test in bone lengths. When you have three your happiness is deep and the sin (mistake) of idolatry has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your sins. The first sin is to idolise anyone but God. 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "God", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on God. Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "God" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of cashew nuts every day. They have heaps of magnesium, which calms your nervous system.

Nut Supplements 101

Meat is highly acidic and highly toxic. It damages your nerves, making you less aware. 

Magnesium heals and calms your nerves. Cashews have massive amounts of magnesium. 

So to become more aware of God, to walk more closely with God, to be more receptive to God, eat a palmful of cashews a day for a week. Make that ALL of the high protein food that you eat for that week. Otherwise, just have fruit and veggies.

Test your Awareness

Press gently into your navel. How deep can you go? One bone length? Two? Three? Use your middle finger.

Then eat a palmful of cashews - 4-5. Then test again. How much deeper can you go?

To deepen your relationship with God, eat what relaxes your navel inwards more - fruit. Test this - especially with ripe (little brown freckles) banana skins. Blend it up with bananas for breakfast - Super Awareness Smoothie! Or Super Memory Ice Cream if you freeze it overnight. 

The basic principle is to eat from God's Garden to be closer to God, and test your food with your navel. And water!

2 Your Subxyphoid Dip

This is usually a deep hollow in the apex of your belly. Press into it with your middle finger - in and up. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One bone length (the first bone of your middle finger)? Two bone lengths? Three?

That's the test in bone lengths. When you have three your emotional happiness is deep and the sin (mistake) of not recognising that he is fully alive and communicates with you from breath to breath has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your old attachments and communicate with your best friend, teacher and healer. 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "Jesus Christ", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on "Jesus Christ". Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "Jesus Christ" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of Brazil nuts every day. They have heaps of selenium, which energises your whole body because it is part of the wall of your red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your cells. Selenium is deficient in Australia, so make sure that your nuts come from Brazil or another South American country.

3 Your Suprasternal Hollow

This is usually a deep hollow just above your breastbone. Press into it with your middle finger. Don't press backwards, only down. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One bone length (the first bone of your middle finger)? Two bone lengths? Three?

That's the test in bone lengths. When you have three your love of yourself - your own Soul - is deep and the sin (mistake) of ??? has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your sins. The third sin is . 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "Soul", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on your Soul. Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "Soul" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of pistachio nuts every day. They have heaps of potassium, which calms your nervous system.

4 Your Underchin Nook

This is usually a deep hollow at the top of your throat. Press into it with your middle finger. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One centimetre? Two? Three?

That's the test in centimetres. When you have three your love of your neighbour is deep and the sin (mistake) of ??? has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your sins. The fourth sin is. 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "agape", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on "agape". "Agape" means  love that is given whether or not it's returned, love without any self benefit, neighbourly love, brotherly love.


Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "Agape" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of macadamia nuts every day. They have heaps of zinc, which nourishes your reproductive system.

5 Your Supoccipital Dip

This is usually a deep hollow at the top of your neck. Press into it with your middle finger. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One centirmetre? Two? Three?

That's the test in centimetres. When you have three your love of children is deep and the sin (mistake) of ??? has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your sins. The fifth sin is . 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "Children", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on "Children". Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "Children" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of macadamia nuts every day. They have heaps of zinc, which calms your reproductive system.

6 Your Ano-Coccygeal Dip

This is usually a deep hollow at the bottom of your spine, between your tailbone and your anus. Press into it with your middle finger. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One bone length (the first bone of your middle finger)? Two bone lengths? Three?

That's the test in bone lengths. When you have three your love of your parents is deep and the sin (mistake) of dishonouring them has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your sins. The sixth sin is to dishonour your parents, who and where you came from. 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "Parents", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on "Parents". Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "Parents" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of raw almonds every day. They have heaps of calcium, which calms your reproductive system.????

7 Your Perineum

This is usually a deep hollow between your anus and your genitals. Press into it with your middle finger. How far can you go before you feel tension, discomfort and pain? One bone length (the first bone of your middle finger)? Two bone lengths? Three?

That's the test in bone lengths. When you have three your love of spouse is deep and the sin (mistake) of ??? has been released significantly. That's right! Happiness grows when you release your sins. The seventh sin is . 

To experience this, Laugh Down on "Spouse", with 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then do it again - the whole thing 14 times. Then do that set, which only takes a minute, 14 times a day. Then do it 14 times a day for 14 days.

After that you are ready to meditate on "Spouse". Arrange a quiet space, so that you are not disturbed by your spouse, children or pets. Turn off all electronics, such as phone, TV, computer and radio. Sip water, sit comfortably and close your eyes. 

Then, internally and silently, Laugh Down on "Spouse" 14 times 14 times 14 times. This will take 14 minutes, but don't worry about the time, just do it. You will often lose the sound, which doesn't matter at all. When you realise that you have lost it, just return to it. This will occur time and time again, but don't worry, it's all part of the meditation process.

To support this deepening, eat a palmful of pine nuts every day. They have heaps of manganese, which calms your ??? system.

How do You Love God?

Place your left hand on your navel and your right hand on top of your left. Spread your fingers and breathe in. Close them and breathe out. 

Repeat with your hands on top of your other hollows to love Jesus Christ, yourself, your neighbour, your children, your parents and your spouse better. 

Nut Supplements, Love Hollows and Attitudes

When you lose love for God you lose calm, depleting your magnesium reserves. You need cashews. Alternatively you can massage your navel and breathe with your Airway Open. 

When you lose your love for Jesus Christ you deplete your selenium reserves. You need Brazil nuts. 

When you lose your love for your Soul you deplete your potassium reserves. You need pistachios.

When you lose your love for your neighbour you deplete your iron reserves. You need pecans.

When you lose your love for children you deplete your zinc reserves. You need macadamias.

When you lose your love for your parents you deplete your calcium reserves. You need almonds.

When you lose your love for your spouse you deplete your manganese reserves. You need pine nuts.

Agape Ice Cream

So eat Agape Ice Cream for vital minerals and your seven, happiness hormones - serotonin, dopamine, GABA, adrenalin, acetylcholine, histamine and oxytocin. Combine one ninth of a cup of each of your supplemental nuts, or just the one type you need to work with most, with bananas, including the skin of the bananas. All of the ingredients must be organically grown or spray and dusting free.


Make sure that your bananas are ripe - that is, at the stage when the skin has little, brown freckles on it. Blend them all with enough, purified water to cover the mixture.

Then freeze the "smoothie" overnight to get a wonderfully-tasting ice cream for breakfast the next morning. Thaw it for about 15 minutes before serving.

How to Communicate with God

There are steps on the way to walking more closely with God, and releasing the behavioural source of your suffering. 

1 You hear about God and wonder what God is - a man in the sky with a beard? A field of Plank particles? The Quantum Field?

2 You read religious books that talk about God's laws, such as the 10 Commandments. What path do you take - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Jainism, Daoism, Hinduism, Confucianism? All paths claim to lead to God, except Buddhism, which claims to lead to the mastery of your mind. You learn to pray.

3 You read spiritual books that tell you to find God within you - you learn to meditate.

4 You join a group of monkeys - church, temple, mosque? You church hop. You realise that every person has their own interpretation of religious and spiritual books, yet not many practise what they preach - they don't walk their talk. You walk away, saddened.

5 You realise that you can form your own, personal relationship with God - that he answers your prayers. You pray for real needs, not wants. Miracles begin happening in your life.

6 You learn to deepen your gratitude to the signs that God is working in your life. You begin asking God for specific advice that books cannot give, such as what time to leave home to get a dry path.

7 You ask God's approval for each action that you take - going out, coming in, buying food, diet, clothing, direction of walking, exercise time. You test everything with Lower Belly Breath Testing or Navel Press Testing. 

If you follow a specific person, such as a Master or Son of God, you ask for suggestions by Upper Belly Testing or Subxyphoid Press Testing. You test who to follow - Vyasa, Sai Baba, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster, Confucius, Jesus Christ? 

8 As you continue to test by Breath Testing, you walk closer to God by doing what God approves. And as you walk closer to God you realise that God breathes through you with every in breath and every out breath that you receive and give. And as you follow your Press Testing you realise that God loves you with every thought that you have. You form a close bond of knowing, loving and  trusting God's decisions.

9 Then you ask God and whoever you follow for massage. You compare the massages of Jesus Christ with those from Vyasa, Krishna, Buddha, Sai Baba, Lao Tzu, Vyasa and the rest. You chose to follow the one who has the most love for you personallly.

10 You grow your faith by enjoying massages for 10 minutes every morning - or other forms of healing such as osteopathy, reflexology, Swedish massage, homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture and much more. Daily, personal healing sessions show you how much you are loved.

11 You test more, you follow the testing more. You get more and more answers to prayer. You clarify your needs from your wants, and feel more and more grateful that your needs are met. You don't worry about what others may think about you any more. You follow God's leadings through Lower Belly and Navel Testing, and take suggestions from those closer to him than you through Upper Belly and Apical Testing. 

12 You Press Test all nine hollows and relax them through forgiving, detaching, and repenting old, unconscious patterns of inappropriate behaviour as they resurface in your mind. You laugh them away, finding the best sound by recognising the related emotion and trying each of the nine levels with their sounds to discover the behavioural cause of your suffering. 

That cause is always a Satanic desire, thought, emotion or physical action resulting from the other levels.

As You Sow, So You Reap

The consequence of hurting others is getting hurt. Even if others forgive you, that's good for them - what about you?

They are free of it, you are not. You still get the hurt in your liver and gall bladder, unless you forgive yourself. The wages of sin is death, so you die of toxicity - anger affecting your liver, gall bladder and smooth endoplasmic reticulum so that you don't detoxify your cells. Self-forgiveness is a big part of self-love. 

In the same way, when you tense up and can't relax your muscles get less blood flow. Being able to relax is crucial to letting go.

For example, if you put yourself in harm's way physically, emotionally, mentally, motivationally, socially or financially you will get apprehension. You tense up the muscle of your main, pancreatic duct sphincter so that you let out less fat (fatty acids) and mucous (amino acids). 

Thus you get diabetes. Diabetes is your karma for putting yourself in harm's way financially, creating the apprehension that tenses up the muscle of your main, pancreatic duct.

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