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Back Relief Testing - Breath Testing and Press Testing

Losers lose and think they're losing. Winners lose and think they're winning.


Achievers test and measure, apply and improve. So test your health with Breath Testing and Press Testing and follow a program of loving yourself in which you grow on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, motivational, expressive, consequential, freedom, responsibility and congruence. 

Especially, test what is CAUSING your back problems. Test for spinal misalignment, emotional reactions and nutritional deficiency, including dehydration at a cellular level. Handle the cause by changing your lifestyle for long term back relief.

Breath Testing

  • What do you get when you cross a BULLdog with a SHITzu?

  • Astrazenica! Pfizer! Moderna! Johnson & Johnson! Quackcines! 


How do you tell when somebody is telling you lies?

  • Watch the face – it goes assymetrical. For example, like former Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, they lift the left eyebrow.

  • Listen to the words – it’s vague, not specific. For example “I have a good diet” means “I haven’t studied diet but my doctor thinks I’m okay.” (Medical doctors study zero hours of nutrition in six years of drugs and surgery, which is all they know and can resort to and recommend.)

  • Advertising – if you need to advertise something that’s truly valuable there’s something wrong. For example, “Woolworth’s the fresh food people” have 12 aisles of packaged and processed goods and a small section of fruits and vegetables at the front, most of which left the farm a week previously. Local farmers at farmers’ markets pick their fruit and vegetables the day beforehand – that’s fresh.

  • Here's another example. “Down, down, prices are down” – Coles had organic avocados at $5.50 on the same day that the local markets had them at 50 cents! 

do you get when you cross a BULLdog with a SHITzu?

  • The Government! The National Heart Foundation! The Cancer and Diabetes Organisations! 

How do you test what’s true?

1 Place the tip of your tongue between your lips and teeth so that it touches the air. This opens your airway because the root of your tongue sits on your airway, partially closing it.

2 Breathe in so that your belly goes down and out and breathe out so that your belly goes in and up. This is normal, relaxed, lower belly breathing because your diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that pulls DOWN when you breathe in and relaxes UP when you breathe out. Think opposites and you will get it right.

3 If you cannot do this you breathe poorly. You breathe in and your belly goes in and up and you breathe out and your belly goes down and out, or hardly moves at all. This is called Reverse Breathing and only gives you 25% of the oxygen you need. It gives you massive stress, because your body needs much more than this, especially your brain, which needs 20% more oxygen than other parts of your body.

To correct this, spend half an hour in the morning before your get out of bed using the Trauma Turning Tongue Position (with the tip touching the air), your left hand covering your eyes and your right hand on your lower belly. Support your elbows with cushions as needed.

Breathe out fully, then hold your breath out until you feel a strong urge to breathe in. Then your in breath will move down and out. Repeat the process until you naturally breathe correctly. This is likely to take 3-6 weeks.

You may agree that food and water are important for long term healing. But you can go without food for 30 days, without water for 3 days and without oxygen for 3 minutes. THAT’S how much more powerful breathing is at rejuvenating your body than food or water, so it can be used for short term healing and to accelerate recovery in long term healing. 

Correct breathing, which is slow, relaxed, lower belly breathing which is NOT reversed, can give you remarkably good healing results. It can also tell you what is true.

  • What do you get when you cross a BULLdog with a SHITzu?

  • Drug dealers! Medical doctors! Chemists! 


Truth or lie

Place your left hand over your eyes and your right hand on your lower belly. Make this statement. “My name is President Putin.” This is a lie.

Make it over and over again, in your mind. Notice how your breathing gets more and more shallow, then tense, then ends up as Reversed Breathing.


Then relax your hands. Make a new statement. “My name is (your real name)”.


This is true. Notice how your breathing gets more and more relaxed, goes into your lower belly and ends up in correct breathing. You breathe out, hold your breath out naturally, then breathe in from your lower belly.

Now try this statement. “My name is (the name of your spouse, child, friend)”. This is a lie, so you have the same reaction as you did to President Putin. 

Be aware that if your spouse, child or friend make the same statement s/he will get the opposite reaction. Thus, what is true for you is not necessarily true for another person. If that person does this Breath Testing method, respect their answers.

For example, your body may need oranges for breakfast, but your spouse may need mandarins. Test your foods with Breath Testing at each meal to get the best nutrition for you. 

It’s not the foods that you eat, it’s the goodness that you absorb from them, and your Breath Testing will show you what foods are best for you at that time. You may need oranges for breakfast and sweet potato for lunch, and at those times they will test YES, but if you test for sweet potato for breakfast and oranges for lunch, at those times your Breath Testing may say NO.

Belly Breathing = YES

Chest Breathing = NO

Now test these statements.

  •  “God exists.” 

  • “In Australia, Gold Coast tap water has no impurities.”  

  • “Over 90% of pesticides are carcinogenic – that is, cancer-causing.”

  • “86% of fat is released as carbon dioxide, through the lungs”.

  • “Jesus Christ is my Lord.”

  • “Jesus Christ is my friend.”

  • “Jesus Christ is my teacher.”

  • “Jesus Christ is my mentor.”

  • “Jesus Christ is my healer.”

  • “Jesus Christ is my saviour.”

  • “The Christian Bible was censored by the Protestants, censored by the Roman Catholics and censored by some early Christians.”(There are many books of early writings that are not in the Christian Bible.) 

  • “Vishnu is my Lord.”

  • “Vishnu is my friend.”

  • “The best religion for me is Christianity/Buddhism/Hinduism/Daoism/Jainism/Sikhism.”

  • “Quackcines are good for me.”

  • “Vaccines are good for my child (name).”

  • “If I claim that I get anaphylaxis I can avoid getting the jab.”

  • What do you get when you cross a BULLdog with a SHITzu?

  • Politicians! Lawyers! Prime Ministers who say that they never told a lie while in office!


  • “The polio vaccine is good for my child (name).”

  • “The best diet for my body is carnivorous, paleo, vegetarian, pescetarian, vegan, vitarian, fruitarian”.

  •  “Organically grown fruits and vegetables have more nutritional value than fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.”

  • “Organically grown fruits and vegetables have less toxins than fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.”

  • “The man who sells bananas at the local farmers’ market lies when he claims that his bananas are spray and dusting free.”

  • “Some people have reversed cancer using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed heart dis-ease using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed diabetes using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed asthma using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed HIV/AIDS using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed Coronavirus symptoms using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed arthritis using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed back pain using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed low energy using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed obesity/overweight/oversize using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed genetic dis-eases using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed high blood pressure using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed structural deformities using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed cataracts using natural health and healing.”

  • “Some people have reversed blindness using natural health and healing.”

  • "The World Bank is privately owned."

  • "The World Health Organisation (WHO) is privately owned."

  • "Over 80% of the world’s money is offshore."

  • "Most of the world’s countries are in debt."

  • "The average amount that each person should have as an asset base is the same as seven, medium-priced houses in Australia."

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Press Testing

Press your nine hollows of love. If they are tense, uncomfortable or painful you need to work on your love on that level. This may require a long term program, and you can follow the success of this program by Press Testing.


Keep going with each hollow until it is so relaxed on pressing that you can feel your middle finger going in to the level of one bone length (with all except the suboccipital hollow). Press gently and don't push into pain. As you work on yourself you will discover the blocks to love that you have had inside you for years, and when you release them your physical, emotional, mental, motivational and spiritual wellbeing will have improved.

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Lower Belly ("Lower Lobe") Breathing for Cleansing your 14 Physiological Systems

Place your right hand on your lower belly with your fingers spread, and your left hand on your upper belly with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your lower belly breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your lower belly, your 14 Physiological Systems need cleansing.

Upper Belly ("Mid Lobe") Breathing for Building your 14 Physiological Systems, using your Circle of Wholeness

Place your right hand on your upper belly with your fingers spread, and your left hand on your lower chest with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your upper belly breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your upper belly, your 14 Physiological Systems need building. Press Test the points on the Circle of Wholeness.

Lower Chest (Upper Lobes of Lungs) Breathing for the Pathway of Love - Loving God, Your Neighbour and Yourself

Place your right hand on your lower chest with your fingers spread, and your left hand on your upper chest with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your lower chest breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your lower chest, your 14 Physiological Systems need love. Press Test the points on the Pathway of Love.

Upper Chest (Bronchial) Breathing  for your Pathway of Happiness

Place your right hand on your upper chest with your fingers spread, and your left hand on your throat with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your upper chest breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your upper chest, your 14 Physiological Systems need happiness. Press Test the points on the Pathway of Happiness.

Windpipe Breathing

Place your right hand on your throat with your fingers spread, and your left hand over your mouth with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your tracheal and laryngeal breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your trachea, your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Pathway of ???.

Food Pipe Breathing

Place your right hand over your mouth with your fingers spread, and your left hand over your eyes with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your pharyngeal breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your pharynx, your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Circle of ???.

Nose and Sinus Breathing

Place your right hand over your eyes with your fingers spread, and your left hand on your forehead with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your nose and sinuses clear.  Then realise that, if you are breathing well for your nose and sinuses, your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Circle of ???.

Eye Brightener

Place your right hand on your forehead with your fingers spread, and your left hand over your crown with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your breathing freshen your eyes. Then realise that, if you are breathing well with this Hand Position, your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Circle of ???.

Mouth Freshener - Handling your Future

Place your right hand on your perineum with your fingers spread, and your left hand on your crown with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your breathing freshen your mouth. Then realise that, if you are breathing well with this Hand Position, your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Circle of ???.

Handling the Past

Place your right hand on your perineum with your fingers spread, and your left hand over your coccyx with your fingers and thumb together. Feel how low down in your body your breathing goes. Then realise that, if you are breathing well with this Hand Position, your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Circle of ???.

Handling the Present Time - between your Past and your Future

Place your right hand on your perineum with your fingers spread, and your left hand over your lower belly with your fingers and thumb together. Feel your pubic breathing. Then realise that, if you are breathing well in your pubic region , your 14 Physiological Systems need ???. Press Test the points on the Circle of ???.

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