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How to Drain Excess and Balance your Physiological Systems

Your body works in a cycle - cleanse, build and balance. 20% of the time you need to clean out the old. If you don't you become toxic, creating dis-ease, such as coughs, colds, flus, covids, cataracts and cancer, which are all dis-eases of excess protein.

60% of the time you need to build anew - new muscle, new bone, new nervous system. If you don't you become weak, creating dis-ease (such as osteoporosis, or "bone with pores or holes in it"). You can divide this 60% into 20% rebuilding, 20% rejuvenating your love for and 20% realigning your happiness at different levels of your being (physical, emotional, mental, motivational, expressive, intuitional and freeing).

20% of the time your need to balance - blood flow, nerve flow (coordination), electromagnetic flow. If you don't you become unstable, creating dis-ease (anxiety, diabetes 2, high blood pressure, anger, depression). You therefore need to learn which massage points cleanse, build and balance your electromagnetic energy system so that you can maintain a life free from dis-ease. Then you simply check these points daily and correct them when necessary.

How to Cleanse

Have you ever had a cleansing foot bath? The toxins that come out of the soles of your feet create a murky colour in the water. So your cleansing points are on your feet - the tips and bevels of your toes. 

You have 14 Physiological Systems and each relates to a point on your toes. There are seven tips of your toes and seven bevels next to your tips. The tips are Yang (Active, +) and the bevels are Yin (Passive, -).

How to Balance

Your balancing points are on your hands - the tips and bevels of your fingers and thumbs. Make a curving shape with your hands. The tips are touching. Make an A-frame of your hands. The bevels are touching. 

You have 14 Physiological Systems and each relates to a point on your fingers. There are seven tips of your fingers and seven bevels next to your tips. The tips are Yang (Active, +) and the bevels are Yin (Passive, -). 

How to Reduce Pressures -            the Circle of Levity, Yin

Laughing releases pressures from your life, including pressures in the body which are too high, such as blood pressure, digestive pressure (causing bloating), lung pressure, glomerular (kidney) pressure, eye pressure, sexual pressure and head pressure (causing headaches, atlas/axis constriction, vertigo and much, much more). You can laugh using specific sounds to reduce a specific pressure, such as Laughing Down on "th???" to relieve head pressure. Or you can massage specific points. Or you can do both.

Remember that science shows us that there are Seven Elements, and the Bible agrees that seven is the number of completion. The Seven Elements are gravity-levity, the weak nuclear force, the strong nuclear force, space-time, electromagnetism, pants with no pockets and the force that makes every dog rush up to you and sniff your groin without invitation.

The Circle of Cleansing, Yang

Cleansing relates to Lower Belly breathing, which relates to the Lower Lobes of your lungs. Your lungs eliminate 70% of your toxins, your skin 20%, your kidneys and bladder 6% and your large intestine 4%.

So to eliminate toxins from your body you need to breathe with Lower Belly breathing, with your tongue tip touching the air and your hands in Lower Belly breathing position. 

The points for the Circle of Cleansing are on the backs of your hands and tops of your feet, on your webbings between your thumbs and index fingers and your big and second toes. They are also on your . 

The Circle of Cleansing, Yin

The points for the Circle of Cleansing are on your palms and soles, on your webbings between your thumbs and index fingers and your big and second toes. They are also on the webbings between your jaw and cheek. 

The Circle of Tonification, Yang

The points for the Circle of Cleansing are on the backs of your hands and tops of your feet, on your webbings between your thumbs and index fingers and your big and second toes. They are also on your .

The Circle of Tonification, Yin

The points for the Circle of Tonification are on your palms and soles, on your webbings between your thumbs and index fingers and your big and second toes. They are also on the webbings between your jaw and cheek. 

The Circle of Moisturisation, Yang

In this circle you can see that when the endolymphatic sac has too much moisture you can get vertigo - lack of balance or disequilibrium. This can be controlled by using the Skin point from the Circle of Moisturisation, Yin. The whole Circle of Moisturisation, Yang and Yin, has supporting and controlling functions that are so well ordered that you can balance it all out within the whole Circle. 

The Circle of Moisturisation, Yin

Victor, fooled by advertising for the vaxx, got massive vaxx injuries very much like snake bite symptoms, including lupus, pain, constant low fever and massively itchy skin. He discovered that one, causal point, for skin moisturisation, relieved all of his symptoms. Then he worked hard to get the vaxx poison out of his body, especially his damaged skin, liver and nervous system. The Vaxx Victim became the vaxx Victor!

The points for the Circle of Moisturisation are on your palms and soles, on your webbings between your thumbs and index fingers and your big and second toes. They are also on the webbings between your jaw and cheek. 

Circles of Elimination, Tonification and Moisturisation, Yang

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Circles of Elimination, Tonification and Moisturisation, Yin

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The Circle of Forgiveness

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Chair of The Elders, and Chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, along with his daughter, the Reverend Mpho Tutu, offer a manual on the art of forgiveness—helping us to realize that we are all capable of healing and transformation.

Tutu's role as the Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission taught him much about forgiveness. If you asked anyone what they thought was going to happen to South Africa after apartheid, almost universally it was predicted that the country would be devastated by a comprehensive bloodbath. Yet, instead of revenge and retribution, this new nation chose to tread the difficult path of confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Each of us has a deep need to forgive and to be forgiven. After much reflection on the process of forgiveness, Tutu has seen that there are four important steps to healing:


Admitting the wrong and acknowledging the harm;


Telling one's story and witnessing the anguish;


Asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness; and


Renewing or releasing the relationship.


Forgiveness is hard work. Sometimes it even feels like an impossible task. But it is only through walking this fourfold path that Tutu says we can free ourselves of the endless and unyielding cycle of pain and retribution. The Book of Forgiving is both a touchstone and a tool, offering Tutu's wise advice and showing the way to experience forgiveness. Ultimately, forgiving is the only means we have to heal ourselves and our aching world.

The Circle of Trust

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