Weight Loss Ice Creams
When you wake up in the morning sip two glasses of purified water, open your windows to let in the fresh air and do 30 minutes of Laugh Downs or the Breath of Happiness.
Then take your delicious, fruit ice cream out of your freezer and let it thaw for a few minutes, then eat it for breakfast. Imagine this! Super healthy, sweet and tasty, fruit and nut ice creams compounded for specific, health benefits, for the whole of your breakfast!
If you want the best results, DO NOT have drugs (caffeine, sugar) or anything else for breakfast. Enjoy this wonderfully nutritious meal every morning, or another Laughing Monkey Ice Cream.
The Starvation Button
My father was in concentration camp during World War II. He was sent up the Burmese railroad on forced labour, eating a handful of white rice a day. He got beriberi from lack of B vitamins. Yeast pills saved his life.
After that he was always hungering after some food - mostly bread and cheese, rice or dark chocolate. He needed to munch. He overate and put on weight, but my mother understood and left food for him in the fridge for his nightly munch time.
There is a pressure point, a massage point, a reflex point, which helps to overcome the emotions of starvation. Your breastbone has three parts - the flat cartilage at the top, the bone, called the sternum, in the middle and the pointy cartilage at the bottom, called the xyphoid process. Between the sternum and the xyphoid process there is a dip, which I call the Starvation Button. Massage it every day until you have no addictive impulse to snack or over eat a meal. Breathe to release the panic of starvation underlying the impulse of food addiction.
Overeater's Ice Cream
Made from fruit and nuts and sometimes veggies and herbs, which are combined in the best, compound proportions for this condition. If a fruit is out of season, simply soak the fruit overnight. If you desire more sweetness - especially for children, when you may need to compete with the over-sweetness of candy and other junk foods - add one or two pitted dates, or use stevia or monk fruit.
Gradually curb your need to feel full with a yummy compound of fruit.
Addiction Busting Ice Cream
Made from fruit and nuts and sometimes veggies and herbs, which are combined in the best, compound proportions for this condition. If a fruit is out of season, simply soak the fruit overnight. If you desire more sweetness - especially for children, when you may need to compete with the over-sweetness of candy and other junk foods - add one or two pitted dates, or use stevia or monk fruit.
Gently curb your addiction with a yummy compound of fruit.
Fat Freeing Hormones for Constipated Gorillas
Relax Your Fat Away, now available as "Fat Freeing Hormones for Constipated Gorillas" and FREE with the Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers album and the song "Pecan and Olive Beetroot Stew:
The most important hormones that make you overeat, under eat, reduce & gain fat
How to release addictions
How to stop your addiction to food
Neck pain & stiffness, shoulder pain & stiffness, lower back pain, back pain needing traction
Constipation Clearing Hormones
"Toilet Hormones for Constipated Monkeys" is FREE with the Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers album and the song called "Toilet Music for Constipated Kids". The famous comedian Bob Hope died with 30lbs of faeces in his bowels. No wonder he had cancer!
"Toilet Hormones for Constipated Monkeys" Workbook is a great way to discover if your commitment to natural health is strong enough or simply lip service. Please download it after you have read the book called "Toilet Hormones for Constipated Monkeys".
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