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How to Walk more Closely with God

When my father was 20 years old he drew in chess with the world champion chess player, Max Euwe, in a simul tournament. He went to to become one of the top three chess players in South Africa and one of the top five in Australia.

In his early life he was agnostic. Then he enlisted to fight the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) during World War II, and was sent to work on the Burmese Railroad. He was partially responsible for the design of the bridge over the River Kwai. 

300,000 Dutch, British and Australian men went up the Burmese Railroad. 50,000 came back. My father refused to talk about it until I massaged him on a regular basis, when he opened up and I heard about the horrific atrocities, the beatings, the starvation and so on. 

After these experiences my father became an atheist. He said that a good God would not have allowed such horrors to happen. I respected his viewpoint.

When my father was in training in Java (part of Indonesia) he wrote to my mother - proposing marriage. She joined the South African navy and they were married in Java, followed by three months of wedded bliss. Then she was put into a concentration camp in Changi jail in Singapore.

She had married my father because she wanted a "spiritual man". Although he turned out later to be an atheist, he had spiritual virtues like tolerance, patience, kindness and compassion. He even supported her by accompanying her to church every week, with the children, because he believed that the children had the right to form their own opinions about God.

His brother - my uncle - looked remarkably like him. I confused them at times. His brother was a lay preacher in the Dutch Reformed Church, and a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party during World War II. He sincerely believed, based on the Christian Holy Bible, that black and coloured (Indians, Chinese, Malays) people were subhuman, and called the blacks "kaffirs" ("niggers"). 

He had 300 of them working on his plant nursery, which served Johannesburg and was a multi-million dollar enterprise. He gave them no running water or electricity, but he had a sjambok (short-handled whip) on his wall if he felt the need. 

My father spent 20 years trying to persuade him to ease up on those who worked for him, and give them better conditions. When the Christian revolution came to South Africa in 1988, and apartheid was declared a sin by his church, the avowed Christian at last listened to his atheist brother and gave his workers electricity and running water in 1989.


I asked my mother why my uncle could interpret the Bible in such a racist way. She said that it was from the Old Testament and that there was nothing racist in the teachings of Jesus Christ. She said that I needed a more mature perspective on the Bible. 


I came to realise that the Bible was not written by God, but by people "inspired by God". And that each version of the Bible was different, depending on the translators.


So every word in the Bible could not be true, although it has many wise thoughts and stories, songs, poems and expressions of hyperbole that are also not true. Therefore every person in every church has a different interpretation of the Bible, and sharing our interpretations can be valuable. This includes great Christians like Nelson Mandela, his Minister, the Reverend Theo Kotze, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the triumvirate who led South Africa through the early years of the new democracy in a peaceful, inspired way that stopped the breakout of war.

My mother went on to love the meditation techniques of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (a spiritual man from India who was followed by the Beatles), and the teachings of the Buddha. She tried to introduce their ideas and methods to my father, and he read the literature, but steadfastly refused to relinquish his atheism.

Then she died. She was happy to die. She wanted to die. She said that she wanted to be an angel. 

My father was petrified of dying. He thought that that would be the of him completely. Six weeks later he approached me with trembling in his voice. "Son", he said, "I think I'm going mad."

"Why dad?" I asked.


"I wake up in bed and your mother is at the foot of the bed, and she talks to me."


"Do you talk back to her?"

This question surprised him. "No? Should I?" he asked.


"Yes dad, it's rude not to talk back to someone."


"That's true," he replied. "Okay, I'll do that."


For the next seven years he talked to my mother, the angel. Still, when I asked him three weeks before his death, if he was an atheist, he replied "Yes, of course". 


"So how do you put that together with the fact that you talk to mum most nights?"


"I don't. That way I don't go crazy."


Three weeks later, at 5pm, my father said to me "I think I'll peg off now". 


I said "Good dad, what would you like to do?" This surprised him greatly, because he had expected me to react negatively. 


He said "Shall I do my exercises?" He was exercising an hour a day at the time. It helped him prevent pain.


I said "No dad, it won't be needed where you're going."


"Oh, that's right!" he exclaimed.


"I'll give you a lovely dinner, massage you on your bed and you can go to sleep. Would you like that?"


"I would, yes."


He was completely at peace with dying. My mother had succeeded. He was a "spiritual man"!


Does God speak through an atheist, such as my father? Sometimes, yes, when necessary. I learned tolerance, patience, kindness and many other virtues from my father, who was a good man.

How I Learned to Walk more Closely with God

Many years later I met an old friend whose viewpoint on the Bible was similar to my mother's. He read to me from one version of the Bible while I read another, and I could see clearly how different Bibles could lead to different views. 

He also told me that I could take a personal journey, to walk more closely to God. His way was to read the Bible, which he encouraged me to do, but it didn't work for me.

You see, you can go to church once a year - on Christmas Day - and that might get you closer to God. Well, it's a start.

Or you can go to church once a week - on Sunday - and that might get  you closer to God. Again, it's a start.

Or you might pray every day, before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. Again, it's a start. 

Or you might read your Bible and reflect on its meaning every day. If you think that the Bible is the word of God, then you are holding the word of God at arm's length every day. Again, it's a start.

Or you might be like a nun or a monk. You might have a rosary of beads around your neck and use them to meditate with. Again, it's a start.

Or you might be inclined to do deep meditation, like my mother learned from the Maharishi. The mantra that she used took her down, down, down and down, to more and more subtle levels of the mind. It helped her to connect to God much more deeply. She was half way there.


Because in deep meditation you're not just connecting with your conscious mind. You're connecting with your whole mind - conscious, subconscious, unconscious and superconscious, depending on the level of depth you get to. 

Or you might take it one step further. You learn to "abide" or "remain" in Jesus Christ. "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."

John 15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 


3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 


6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 


8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 


11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 


13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 


15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 


16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.


In other words, you sustain the deep state of connection with God throughout your day, or throughout your night, or both. You do this by using Sustained Healing Prayer, as taught on this website.

The prayer format is

In the name of Jesus Christ

I pray for/to/that .....


Thank you, God. Amen.

Again, this depends on taking your mind down, down, down, down and down, into the deepest level of your mind, your Superconscious Mind. That's because you Sing Down the prayer, and sustain it with your Affirmation Amplifier, which sustains prayers that are sung down as well as affirmations that are sung down. You are no longer just making a start. You are making a deep connection. 

Lastly, you might take the final step. You learn to ask Jesus Christ to "abide" or "remain" in you. In this state, Jesus Christ expresses himself through you. You sing with his voice. You heal by his grace. You love with his heart. 

This is a complete revolution from where you were before. You are no longer trying to walk closely to God. You are a channel for God's expression.  You are one with God.

The prayer format is

I pray that Jesus Christ sings/speaks/heals/dances/loves through me


Thank you, God, Amen.

Or, if you want healing for yourself, curling the fingers of your RIGHT hand over the fingers of your LEFT hand, you can Sing Down

I pray that Jesus Christ heals my voice/moving/inflammation/cancer/back/neck/hips/knees/loving through me


Thank you, God. Amen.

You can also try

I pray that Jesus Christ heals

my whole body through me


Thank you, God. Amen.

Or, if you are helping someone in distress, hold their hands with your RIGHT hand curling its fingers over their LEFT hand and with your LEFT hand curling its fingers under that person's RIGHT hand and Sing Down

I pray that Jesus Christ heals John's voice/moving/inflammation/cancer/back/neck/hips/knees/loving through me


Thank you, God. Amen.

If you are not doing this you are not walking your talk as a Christian, because you are not remaining in Christ fully and you are not allowing Christ to remain in you fully. If you want to do this you need to practise Singing Down these prayers, sustaining them with Ankle Sustain, as taught on this website, then sustaining them with Affirmation Amplifiers, as taught on this website.

You may also like to try

In the name of Jesus Christ

I pray that God sings/speaks/heals through me


Thank you. Amen.

Again, if you are not doing this you are not walking your talk as a Christian, because you are not remaining in God fully and you are not allowing God to remain in you fully, although He does. If you want to do this you need to practise Singing Down these prayers, sustaining them with Ankle Sustain, as taught on this website, then, as you grow in your ability to handle this level of closeness by your purity, sustaining them with Affirmation Amplifiers, as taught on this website.

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. 


He is not only near by his essential presence, which is everywhere; and by his providential presence, which is concerned with all his creatures; but by his gracious presence, peculiar to his church and people; and which gives them unspeakable joy, and is a sufficient security from all fears and dismayings. God in their nature, who has all power in heaven and earth; and, as man, the man of God's right hand, made strong for himself, and so able to save his people to the uttermost; to deliver them out of the hands of every enemy; to raise up his interest whenever so low, and to maintain and support it; to help and assist his people in every duty and service he calls them to: he will save;
he is as willing to save as he is able; he readily undertook in counsel and covenant to save the chosen ones; he came in the fullness of time to seek and to save that which was lost; he has wrought out salvation for them, and sees that it is applied unto them, and will come again to put them into the full possession of it: he saves them freely, fully, and everlastingly; he saves them from sin, Satan, the law, hell and wrath, and every spiritual enemy; nor has the church of Christ anything to fear from any temporal enemy; the converted Jews will have no reason to fear the Turk that will come against them with a vast army; for Christ, who will be in the midst of them, and at the head of them, will save them from him; to which salvation this passage has chiefly a respect; he will rejoice over thee with joy; with exceeding great joy, not to be conceived of, or expressed; as a bridegroom rejoiceth over his bride: this will be the time of the open marriage of the Lamb with the Jewish church; and there will be strong expressions of joy on this occasion; Christ will rejoice over them to do them good; and there will be such singular instances of his goodness to them as will abundantly show the joy he will have in them: he will rest in his love.

Continue in his love, without any variation or change; nothing shall separate from it; it shall always remain the same; he will take up his contentment and satisfaction in it; he will solace himself with it; it will be a pleasing thing to him to love his people, and to show it to them; he will take the utmost complacency and delight in expressing his love by words and deeds unto them: or, as some render it, "he will be silent because of his love" F18; and not upbraid them with their sins; or reprove, correct, and chastise them in his hot displeasure; or say one word in a way of vindictive wrath: and he "will make" all others "silent"; every enemy, or whatever is contrary to them; such is his great love to them F19; he will forgive their iniquities, and cover their sins, and in love to them cast them behind his back: or, "will be dumb" F20; and not speak; as sometimes persons, when their affections are strong, and their hearts are filled with love at the sight of one they bear a great regard unto, are not able to speak a word. The phrase expresses the greatness of Christ's love to his people; the strength, fulness, and continuance of it: words seem to be wanted, and more are added.


He will joy over thee with singing. There is a pleonasm of joy in Christ's heart towards his people, and so a redundancy in his expression of it; he rejoices with joy, and joys with singing; which shows how delighted he is with his people, as they are his chosen, redeemed, and called ones; as they have his own righteousness upon them, and his own grace in them; they are his "Hephzibah", in whom he delights; his "Beulah", to whom he is married; and it is his love of complacency and delight, which is the source of all the grace and glory he bestows upon them; see ( Isaiah 62:3-5 ) ( Luke 15:23-25 ) .


The Light that you have is according to your motive. You may want eternal life for yourself, but what is your motive beyond yourself?

As one believer put it, "You can eat tofu on the Sabbath, but what is your motive - your eternal life, or seeking to be more like Jesus Christ, to walk his path of love?

Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness

5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:5-7

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Matthew 6:22-23

The Light of the body is the Soul. At some point in your journey you will recognise that you are the Soul, not the body. You can actually look up and see your Soul. This is how you do it.

The Seven Stages of EnLightenment (cognising the Light that is your Soul, because you are a spark of Light in the eye of God)

Again and again, as I grew up, my mother told me this "You are a spark of Light in the eye of God". She sincerely believed that you are a Soul with a body, not a body with a Soul (the atheist belief of my father).


Eventually I realised that I could see a Light in the eyes of others, and then I experienced it, and then I taught others classes in how to experience it. There are seven stages in this cognition. Once you know who you are you can know how you relate to other Souls and to God and, of course, Jesus Christ, who also is a Soul.

1 Witnessing

Place the back of your right wrist on top of the back of your left wrist. Eye gaze with a friend sitting opposite you and doing the same thing. Notice how the two of you become more distant. Eventually, after 14, 28 or 42 breaths with your tongue tip touching the air, you will relax enough to notice that your point of focus is behind your head. You are looking through your eyes at the other person. Who is doing the looking? Your Soul.

2 Entering Relationship

Now turn your left palm upwards. Notice that your point of focus moves forwards into the middle of your head. You are in a closer relationship with your friend. 

3 Now turn your right palm downwards. Notice that your point of focus moves forwards into the middle of your forehead, and that you have a slight pressure there. Your Soul is right there.

Notice too that the Light of the Soul shines brightly in your friend's eyes. They shine with spiritual Light. 

Relax, keep breathing with your tongue forward, close your eyes and look up. You will see a Light in the middle of your forehead. This is the Light of your Soul. 

This Light may be any colour. Many see red first, then other colours. Eventually you will see that you are all colours, pure white. 

You will now fall in love with your friend. It's not about your friend, it's about the state of falling in love. It could be anybody. 

4 Then turn your hands so that both thumbs are pointing upwards. Notice that your point of focus is now below your navel, deep inside your belly, at the centre of gravity in your body called your Belly Centre.

When your Soul is in your body like this your body becomes much, much stronger. You also realise that you are beyond the falling in love state, so you lose attachment to your friend and learn to love your body.

5 Now turn both palms downwards. This brings your point of focus to your chest. You become loving, heart-centred, warm to hug. You love others just because they are other Souls, huggable and pattable (fluffy puppies, baby calves and lovable lambs). 

6 Now turn your palms so that your left thumb points up and your right thumb points down. This brings your point of focus to your eyes. Notice how you look through them from your heart, with a soft heart. You love without needing love to be returned. 

7 Now turn both thumbs downwards. This brings your centre of focus from your forehead to your crown. You feel free of your past sins, free withing the boundaries of love. You are free in Christ.

The Seven Stages of Love

Does Jesus Christ  have a Soul? Or is he a body without a Soul? The soul is the spiritual essence of a person, which includes one's identity, personality, and memories, an immaterial aspect or essence of a living being that is believed to be able to survive physical death. Having now experienced your Soul as a Light, it becomes easy to imagine that a Light will survive death. Jesus did. So yes, Jesus Christ has a Soul with immense knowledge, wisdom, power and grace.


Jesus said that the most important commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your Soul and with all your mind and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. So your next step in getting closer to God is to love yourself as your Light, love your neighbour as his Light, love Jesus Christ as his Light and to love God.

The emphasis is on the word "love". You learn to reside in your heart. You become warm-hearted. Some lucky Souls already have this. Their eyes are warm, and you can see this in their faces. How do you achieve this state of love consciousness?

The Seven Stages of Love (Warmth)

1 Watching

Place the back of your right forearm on top of the back of your left forearm . Eye gaze with a friend sitting opposite you and doing the same thing. Notice how the two of you become more distant.


Eventually, after 14, 28 or 42 breaths with your tongue tip touching the air, you will relax enough to notice that your point of focus is behind your chest. You are looking through your heart at the other person.


Who is doing the looking? Your Love.


I did this with a koala once - dropped from my head to my heart. I could hear the koalas thoughts! It's what animal whisperers do. My mother used to say "Keep your mind in your heart". 

2 Entering the Love Relationship

Now turn your left palm upwards. Notice that your point of focus moves forwards into the middle of your chest. You are in a closer relationship with your friend. It turns on a light there, like a golden candlestick.

3 Loving as Warmth

Now turn your right palm downwards. Notice that your point of focus moves forwards outside of the front of your chest, and that you have a Light there. Your Love Light is right there, so you can't help smiling and feeling joyful.

Notice too that the Light of Love shines warmly in your friend's eyes. They shine with spiritual Love. This is not about falling in love. This is about loving another Soul, your neighbour's Soul, as you fall in love deeply with a new-born baby, whatever its species (puppy, kitten, calf, lamb, foal).

This Light may be any colour. Many see red first, then other colours. Eventually you will see that Love is all colours, pure white. 

4 The Warm Field of Love

Then turn your hands so that both thumbs are pointing upwards. Notice that your point of focus is now below your navel, outside your body, in front of your abdomen.

When your Love Light is in front of your body like this your body becomes much, much stronger. You also realise that you are beyond the falling in love state, so you lose attachment to your friend and learn to invite your friend into your field of love.


Now turn both palms downwards. This brings your point of focus to the front of your hips. You become loving, heart-centred, warm to hug. You love others because you overflow with love, like a warm cup of cocoa overflowing into its saucer.


I know a man who always seems to be in this state of overflowing love. He helps the homeless with whatever they need and manages to remain calm, loving and wise while helping them to handle their urgent needs for housing, food and talk. He listens with love, then adds his wisdom. He is a blessing to be with. 

6 Now turn your palms so that your left thumb points up and your right thumb points down. This brings your point of focus to your mouth. Notice how your Love Light shines through all the words that you speak and sing. 

7 Now turn both thumbs downwards. This brings your centre of focus from your forehead to your crown. You feel free of your past sins, free within the boundaries of love. The the Light golden candlestick is in front of your eyes.


"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13 Love is not rude, resentful, rejoicing at wrongdoing or ending.


It is never ending, because love is God. Love is the fulfilling of the vow, so those who make agreements and break them on whim or without very good reason show a lack of love through abandonment of promise. If, instead, we keep the promises that we make, loving one another, then God dwells within us and his love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:12

Jesus Christ said to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your Soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. But you don't. You don't keep this simple commandment. That's why those who are secular, agnostic or atheist criticise Christians for not walking their talk. It's true.

Psychologists agree that your mind is not just your Conscious Mind. It's also your Subconscious, Unconscious and Superconscious Mind. Maybe 5-10% of your mind is conscious, that's all. So how can you include your whole mind?

You don't pray just for your conscious mind. You also pray for the other 90-95% of your mind, which responds to music.

You have a choice here - to live on a conscious level with God, at arm's length, or to allow God and Jesus Christ into your whole mind by Singing Down your prayer! THAT is what makes your prayer a fully healing prayer. You open fully to God.

The apostle Paul says to "pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 but you don't. You pray, consciously, and then you put your mind to doing the dishes. You need to both pray AND do the dishes to live a practical life, but how do you do this?

It's simple! You remain in Jesus. You sustain the prayer in your Subconscious, Unconscious and Superconscious Mind by using an Affirmation Amplifier. In this way you can sustain the Love Light for over 20 hours a day, even when you sleep! Your Conscious Mind is asleep, but the other parts of your mind are praying. 

That's right! All you need to do is place the appropriate Affirmation Amplifier on the appropriate reflex point on your skin and Sing Down your prayer ONCE ONLY, then go to sleep, and you will remain in Jesus Christ and God all night long. Simply redo the procedure before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. It only takes a minute, and you get to pray for over 20 hours a day (not while surfing, swimming or showering). 

In this way, by remaining in this state of spiritual purity, of continual prayer, you may be purified by his presence. Yes, you are allowing Jesus Christ and God into your Unconscious Mind where you store all of your past habits, including habits that no longer serve you ("bad habits"), to sort them out when you use a Divine Sandwich Prayer Format and Sing it Down. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. 1 John 3:2-3

2 Examine me, O Lord, and approve me; try my reins and my heart. 3 For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth. 4 I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. Psalm 26:2

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. ... You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13 Then you will receive the Holy Spirit and it works through you.

How you know when God says YES

A difficult decision arises in your life. A friend suggests that you “take it to God” or “pray about it”. 

So you prepare a quiet space, where you can be alone, without disturbances or distractions. You remove all residual influences from your mind by removing all metal from your body – including rings, earrings, watches, mobile phones, hearing aids, belt buckles, bra hooks, eyelets in your shoes and, of course, piercings – as well as all synthetic clothing from your body.

You sip a couple of glasses of purified water. And you write down statements that you want to test, because you want to discover what’s true for you – not what’s true for your spouse, children or parents.


All truth is relative. If I say “My name is Pav” that’s true for me, but not for you. “My name is Catherine” is true for you.

I have tested “There is one, true church, and that is the Dutch Reformed Church.” I got a NO.

My uncle was a lay preacher in the Dutch Reformed Church, during the apartheid years in South Africa. He was also a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party in World War II and kept a sjambok (short-handled whip) on his lounge room wall for use on his 300 black slaves. He regarded them as subhuman, based on some passages in the Old Testament of the Christian Holy Bible. He gave them no running water and no electricity. He was a multi-millionaire with a large, plant nursery built on the backs of the blacks, who he called “kaffirs” (“niggers”, a derogatory term). 

Then I tested for the Methodist, Catholic, Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist and Quaker churches. To my surprise, the answer was still NO. I became a Quaker at the age of 11.

Then I tested for the Mormon church and got a NO. Then I tested for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and, to my utter surprise, got a YES.

What does “get a YES” and “get a NO” mean?

Some pray, then look for a sign around them, such as something that they overhear. Others wait for promptings of the Holy Spirit, such as goosebumps on the skin, peace in the heart or the “fruits of the spirit” - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

This can take time. I get immediate answers by waiting on my Breath Response. What pattern of breathing do I get?

You see, if I repeat a Testing Statement over and over again in my head, my breathing pattern changes to reveal the truth of the statement TO ME.

Breath Response Patterns

If I repeat “There is one, true church – the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” in my head my breathing becomes centred in my lower belly, which goes out when I breathe in and in when I breathe out. God says YES.

If I test “There is one, true church – the Religious Society of Friends” (which is also known as the Quakers) I get a NO. I get less and less lower belly breathing. Eventually my lower belly goes in when I breathe in and out when I breathe out! It does the reverse of what it should. It does incorrect breathing, not correct (diaphragmatic) breathing. 

My chest gets tight and constricted. I do shallow breathing. My breathing is stuck in my chest. My shoulders rise on the in breath. My trapezius muscles (between my neck and my shoulders) are getting more and more tense. God says NO.

Here are a few quotes from the Bible that show how that works.

“The Spirit flows through all creation bringing life and love. Human persons will stay alive only if they have the Divine Breath abiding in them (Genesis 6:3).”

The scriptures go on to say that at the point of death that same breath returns to God. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) As with our birth, the presence of breath is not only equated with biological life but that life is clearly attributed to the Author of Life, our sovereign creator God.


“The LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2:7)


At a spiritual level the breath of mind relates to the quality of our thoughts and therefore our experience of life. Inhale positive and powerful energy, and breathe in love and peace. As we generate those high-vibration thoughts, we are more easily able to exhale and expel negative and stressful thoughts and emotions.


Job 33:4 tells us that the breath of God is the Spirit of God, “And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Since the Spirit of God lives inside the believer, each person who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ has ongoing direct access to the breath of life that will help them live abundantly.


What if I get correct lower belly breathing which then rises up into upper belly breathing in a relaxed, expansive way? It means that God supports Jesus Christ, who is expressing a YES in your upper belly. 


What if I get upper belly breathing without support from my lower belly? It means that the Devil is influencing me! It’s a NO!


What if I get correct lower belly breathing, supported upper belly breathing and supported lower chest breathing? It means that my Soul says YES. 


What if it goes all the way correctly? What if I get correct lower belly and supported upper belly, lower chest and upper chest breathing, followed by relaxing down in the back of the upper chest – including your trapezius muscles – in the back of your lower chest, in your lower back and in your hips, tilting your tailbone forwards so that your hips tuck under? This means that the Holy Spirit says YES. 


How to Test a Call Down

Now cross your left ankle over your right. This sustains any Testing Statement which you might like to make aloud, by Calling it Down from high to low, loud to soft and fast to slow. 


Try this Testing Statement. “God exists”. What Breath Response Pattern do you get? Science deals with reproducible results, so get your friends and family to do this too. It’s a biological proof – a scientific proof, because biology is a science – that God exists. 


Now try “There is one, true church – the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” Observe your breathing. 


I get the Holy Spirit Breathing Pattern in response. YES, God says YES because it starts with lower belly breathing. And YES, Jesus Christ says YES because it flows up to supported upper belly breathing. And even more, I get the Full Breath response of Holy Spirit Breathing. What do you get?


Try the same statement but relating to other churches. What do you get?


Now uncross your legs. Wait for 14 breaths. Sip some purified water. Then test these three statements separating each test with uncrossed legs for 14 breaths.


1 “God breathing”. Notice that you get lower belly breathing. It’s the same on “God exists.”

2 “Jesus Christ breathing.” Notice that you get upper belly breathing supported by lower belly breathing. It’s the same on “Jesus Christ is alive.”

3 “Holy Spirit Breathing”. Notice that you get a Full Breath response. Yes, you get the same pattern if you state “Full Yoga Breath”. 


Now you can test any statement and know who is answering you – God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. Start with simple things like food. “It’s best for all concerned that I eat apple this morning.” Compare this to oranges or mandarins. If apple gets a YES, test for one, two or three apples.


After a few months of testing minor decisions like apples, broaden your field to include more major decisions which could have emotions related to them. Test the Nine Elements of lifestyle by the NEW STARTS acronym on the Home Page of the website called


In this way you can gain faith in the accuracy of your testing. Then you could be ready to test for Baptism.

Grow Your Experience at Deeper and Deeper Levels

You may grow further and read the stories of those who walked with God this closely - Moses, Noah, Job and Joseph.


When I was in my early teens two Catholic boys from across the road beat me up. Then they went to Absolution on Sunday and confessed their sins. Then they beat me up again. 

I asked them why, knowing that they were sinning, they did it. Their answer was "Because we can always get Absolution!"

God knows what's in your heart. When you sin you separate from the Law of Ethics embedded in the Ten Commandments. If you do it insincerely your confession is pointless, because you remain separated.

If you wish to walk closer to God first Breath Test the behaviours that you are about to do. If Lower Belly Breathing says YES, go ahead, if NO, and you do it, you are separating from God. 

You are not "walking your talk" so the accuracy of your Breath Testing gets lower. Eventually you become a chest breather, unable to connect to God. 

So God says NO, don't walk onto the road, through your Lower Belly Breathing. And you don't know it because you are so separate from God. You get hit by a car and suffer. Why - because God didn't love you? No, because you couldn't listen to his directions. 


Baptism is for the remission of sins. After the dunking you should be Lower Belly Breathing. You have reconnected to God!

After the Laying on of Hands you should be breathing all the way up from your Lower Belly to your chest, then all the way down from your shoulders to your tailbone. That's because you've reconnected to the Holy Spirit.

Remember: Lower Belly Breathing relates to God, Upper Belly Breathing relates to Jesus Christ and Full Breathing supported by Lower Belly and Upper Belly Breathing relates to the Holy Spirit. If all three say YES, go ahead, but don't extrapolate beyond the question. Ask again and keep asking again. There comes a time when you have gone far enough!

You see, I was baptised as a baby by a Minister of the Methodist church, who became the Minister for Nelson Mandela and, eventually, the head of the Council of Churches in South Africa. I was baptised as an adult by two pastors of the Vibe Church – Pentecostal Christians.


So I did NOT think that it was necessary to get baptised again. Two missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints suggested that their church had direct authority to baptise, and that I would benefit by it. 


So I tested the statement “It’s best for all concerned that I get baptised by a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” The answer from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was YES!

So I investigated this and felt good about it, until it was told to me that after baptism I would be expected to tithe to that church for the rest of my life! Why would I tithe (pay 10% of my increase) to any church that I did not support and would not join? The reasons for me not to were very strong.

1 The church is obviously racist, with pictures of a white Jesus Christ up and around all over the place. Jesus Christ was coffee coloured, from the Middle East, so I could not support that church. Because of pictures of a white Jesus Christ the abomination of the racist policy of apartheid in South Africa caused the deprivation, enslavement, torture and death of millions. 

2 The church is too violent for me. It's not vegan. The Bible says "Thou shalt not kill".

3 The church follows three books that are extremely violent - the Old Testament of the Bible, the New Testament of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, which sounds just like part three of the Bible. That's okay for adults, but not for children, and they don't censor it for their children.


So although I wanted to get baptised I could see that there were too many blocks in the way, and withdrew my desire. My mother said "Follow your needs, not your wants" and that generally has been a good plan for my life.

John the Baptist didn't charge for baptism. So tying baptism to payment of tithing is wrong. And expecting tithing rather than it being a free will offering is just as erroneous. We all need to exercise our own choice in relation to both issues.


As well, baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation. Given once for all, Baptism cannot be repeated.

Why was I so strongly motivated to get baptised again, then? It's simple. I had had the desire since being a Jershon Ammonite, and I wanted to fulfil it. So as soon as I let go of my ego identification as a Jershon Ammonite the desire ceased.  The desire had come from deep in my past and was no longer appropriate.

Many, good charities are supported by tithing. There's nothing wrong with it, so long as it's given freely and the funds go to the purposes of the charity rather than the administration. In the UK the law is "less than 20% for administration, over 80% for projects".


Test this with your breathing. Inquire of the Lord God. Actually, ask God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit if YOU tithing to any, particular organisation (like a church) or project is right for YOU. If it is, you can then do so freely, checking the amounts that you give to whom and to what as well. 


For example, I have tithed and donated since 1982, always choosing fully registered, not-for-profit charities and therefore not paying taxes (choosing to support the community rather than the was of the government). One year I might give to Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd, another year to St Vincent de Paul and others. I tithe and donate to organisations that do truly great work, helping the poor, homeless, needy, hungry and sick with natural health and healing.  None of my money goes to those who would corruptly use the money, such as drug dealers and drug companies. 


The Tyrannical Open Loop

Adolph Hitler promised "The Third Reich (Empire) will last 1,000 years". It was an unprovable assertion, but many fell for it. It only lasted 5-6 years!

His unprovable, Tyrannical Open Loop was used to inspire emotions of aggrandisment in others, who put their energy into supporting Hitler's Empire. 

In the same way, many churches us a Tyrannical Open Loop, such as "If you don't do this you will go to Hell". Hell is unprovable, as is Heaven. Although a friend of mine says that when he went vegan, after seven days he thought that he was in Heaven. 

When you hear about Heaven from a church it's unprovable IN YOUR LIFETIME. They use Tyrannical Open Loops to control their parishioners.

The Heavenly Closed Loop

If you prepare yourself correctly, Sing Down "Heaven" 14 times and sustain it with your ankles crossed (left over right) you will experience a little bit of Heaven - peace in your heart, a calm mind, deep relaxation, Lower Belly Breathing (reconnection with God), Upper Belly Breathing (reconnection with Jesus Christ) and Full Breathing (reconnection with the Holy Spirit). 

This is provable by you doing it WITHIN your lifetime. It's a Heavenly Closed Loop. Prepare by setting a quiet space without disturbances, removing all metal and synthetic clothing from your body and sipping a couple of glasses of purified water beforehand. The best time to experience Heaven is before sunrise, so go to bed with the sun and wake up naturally early, just before dawn. 

Then you are ready to follow your bliss, your Heaven, your God, your Jesus Christ, your Holy Spirit, your individual pathway, your walk with God, your spiritual journey. Follow God, paying attention to your breathing throughout your day, after meditating on Heaven in the morning. The quality of your life will be transformed!

Do this for 3-6 weeks to prove it through. It's a Heavenly Closed Loop that's provable to YOU, by YOU, in the experience of YOUR lifetime. 

Your I.D.

I was a Jershon Ammonite. I refused to fight, lest I sin. They slew me.

But I am not a Jersho Ammonite today. So I needed to release my attachment to my identification as a Jershon Ammonite and move on. When I did this my desire to be baptised again dis-appeared. 

I have already been baptised in this life - as a baby and also as an adult. I walk with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit every day. I lay my hands on others and they heal. The fruits of the spirit - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control - are with me most days.


The gifts of the spirit - wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues are growing. I wish others could have this experience so I recommend baptism to all - without strings. Many churches will do it for you. 

The Book of God

Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman. They had sex many times and produced at least three boys and many girls. 

The boys and girls had sex and produced their own children, through incest. Your ancestors were incestuous.

According to Leviticus 18, incest is a sin. "No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations." So God created us to sin, because without it we would not have "multiplied", which God told us to do.

When we sin we lose contact with God. We punish ourselves. God created us to sin, then we sin, then we are punished. God is an evil God. He is incongruent.


There was no law against incest in the time of Adam. It was not a sin to commit incest because there was no law against it. 

There was also no law against murder and theft. So they were not sins before they were written down. So Cain killed Abel but did not sin.


God is not perfect. He cannot know beforehand that we will commit incest, but when he sees it he makes a law against it.


God is incongruent. At one time he makes a law, at another he has no such law. So we don't know if a law is pertinent or not. We sin any way.


The Christian Holy Bible is 60% true and 40% fictional. The parables are fictional, some stories are simply tales to learn from, the Psalms are songs and all songs have partial truth, the Book of Mormon is 80% true and the Gospel of Thomas is 80% true. If the Bible is not more than 60% true, how can you open your mind and check which parts are true and which are not? Breath Test!


If Lower Belly Breathing says "Yes", God approves. If Lower AND Upper Belly Breathing say "Yes" God and Jesus Christ approves, as long as the Upper Belly follows the Lower Belly. 


Underline passages in the Bible and Breath Test the statement "The underlined words are 100% true" or "The underlined words are 60% true". Rate the truth of each passage by percentage. Then YOU can discern what's true for YOU, not blindly follow what some pastor, priest or minister believes, or your own, previous beliefs based on nothing but the beliefs of others (words from others or in a book). 

You see, we all have our own truth. If you say "My name is Pav" it's not true, but if I say that, it is. NOW you can begin YOUR journey into what is true for YOU.

My Breath Testing says that Adam was the first Jewish man, and Eve the first Jewish woman. It also says that Eve was not created from a rib of Adam's. 

Jesus Christ Broke the Laws of God

Jesus Christ broke the laws of God many times. Genesis 1:29 says that God gave us fruit and vegetables to eat. Jesus ate fish. 

The truth is that Jesus was breatharian. He could fast in the desert without food or water for 40 days. So he didn't need to eat at all. The only reason that he ate was to be socially acceptable, so he nibbled on what was socially acceptable to make his disciples and others accept him more easily. 

He also broke the Law of Rest. He worked on the Sabbath, healing others and preaching. 

He also broke the Law of Sunlight. We were designed to go to sleep with the sun, but Jesus stayed up for supper with his disciples many times. 

So why did he break God's Laws? He demonstrated that there are higher laws, which he gave us in the Prime and Secondary Commandments - the overriding laws of Love and Compassion.

"Love the Lord your God with ALL of your heart, ALL of your soul, ALL of your mind and all of your strength. And love your neighbour as yourself."

Can YOU do this? ONLY if you can Breath Test and, due to your Breath Testing, follow God and Jesus Christ breath by breath. So practise Breath Testing for 3-4 months, every day, until you get their promptings.

"Jesus Christ IS God!"

Breath Test this statement. It was exclaimed to me by a pastor. About 2.4 billion Christians in the world believe it. Only a few - such as the Jehovah's Witnesses - don't believe it. They say that he was the Son of God, and that is all that he claimed to be in the Bible. My Breath Testing shows that I partially agree.

The Vaishnavas say that Jesus Christ was a special Avatar. My Breath Testing shows that I partially agree.

The Muslims say that Jesus Christ was a powerful prophet. My Breath Testing shows that I agree.

One of the 10 Commandments of Moses tells us not to make or "graven images" of anything in heaven, but God is in heaven and those who believe that Jesus Christ is God break that Law with many pictures in books and paintings of Jesus Christ. That's idolatry. Even more shocking, the pictures are racist - of a white, Teutonic man when Jesus Christ was olive skinned, from the border of Africa and the Mediterranean. 

These pictures led to the racism and cruelty of Apartheid in South Africa for decades.


Romans 14:3 "The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall." This is not about food, it's about judgement. Do not put down others, but lift them up. It is for God to judge His servants, including you. You are not to judge. 

Forgive, detach and repent. Get YOURself right with God. 

God Spoke to Me

I was in hospital with heart failure. I had one blockage or stenosis in one artery in my heart, a major artery called the Left Anterior Descending artery. It had other stenoses in it too. How could this be? So much plaque with a person who had been vegan for 48 years?

It seems that over 1% of the population has a genetic dis-ease called Familial Hypercholesterolemia. My gene had been turned on and I was producing excess cholesterol even though I was taking none in from external sources (animal products). So yes, unexpectedly, I had atherosclerosis - too much plaque in my heart!

The cardiologist talked about a stent - a metal tube inside the artery to unblock it. I believed that there must be a way to stop me producing excess cholesterol, or I would get it again.

So I prayed, loudly, for God to unblock my heart. And I heard, to my utter astonishment, a male, baritone voice in my head saying "YOU unblock your heart! YOU forgive David, right now". I had blocked my heart to David months prior to this and stopped ocmmunicating with him, and had not expected nor desired such an answer!

So I prayed again "In the name of Jesus Christ I pray with all my heart, Soul, mind and strength to forgive David right now. Thank you, God. Amen." Yes, I did use his full name, including his surname. 

And so I began a full-on forgiveness process, not only of David, but also of many others who I believed had done me wrong. I read a book called "Forgive to Live" and worked with it using my Word Healing Reminder Cards. I did a lot of detaching and repenting too. 

I had a meeting with David, who said that he bore me no ill will and was happy to see me again and be my friend. I began speaking to those I had ignored. My life became lighter. Friends that I never knew that I had helped me when I got out of hospital, with domestic chores and shopping for food which I could not have done on my own. 


Finding the point

In hospital, when I realised my difficult situation, I also prayed for Jesus Christ to show me an acupuncture point to stop me making excess cholesterol, and went to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later with strong pain and a massive itch on my right ribcage. I rubbed it . It came back even more strongly. I felt annoyed, but repented of my anger and said "Thank you, Jesus". I placed the BLUE (-) face of an Affirmation Activator onto the point and made a short affirmation. The pain and itch disappeared immediately.


I returned to sleep and the next day played with the point. Over the next two weeks I did more research on it. It was the right side's Liver 14 in acupuncture, three finger widths below my right nipple and one finger width to its right. It was five finger widths above the navel, and eight finger widths to its right, in a dip between the ribs. It was continuously sore. 

Once I was out of hospital I met a friend with a similar, genetic problem. He was taking a statin drug called Lorstat for it. It is a common statin drug, with accompanying side effects. I didn't want to take it, so I put it on my Word Healing Reminder Card instead and the pain and itch in the point stopped!

The I did the same thing with the name of the gene, and the same result occurred! I knew how to stop making excess cholesterol. I simply had to clear what I had accrued.

A friend at church told me that she had done that. From her first scan they set an appointment date a month away. As they were preparing her for the stent they stopped and told her that her arteries were now too clear and she no longer needed a stent. 

She told me that the key was Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar "with the mother". She had drunk 10mls in half a glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner for the month before the operation. I said "Thank you, but I am allergic to apples." 

She said "God will find a way for you." At the church lunch that very day a retired doctor said "Take K2. It prevents arterial plaque from building up." I got some, with vitamin D3 for the bones as well.

I researched it in the library. It also takes plaque away from the arteries and puts the calcium which hardens the plaque into the bones.


It comes from ferments like apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, tamari, miso, natto, sauerkraut, kim chi and sourdough bread. Within a week a had all of those things as well as herbs to remove plaque as well, like cayenne pepper, ginger and ginseng and, of course, black garlic (aged garlic). I also had astaxanthin to double my stem cells in a day, because my heart needed some mending, astragalus to boost my telomeres, NMN to give me more youthful vitality, liposomal vitamin C, probiotic tablets, vitamin B12 to make more good bacterial flora in my gut and, most importantly, nattokinase, an enzyme which reduces plaque by 36% in one year. That's 3% per month, meaning that in 2-3 years I can be completely free of plaque throughout my cardiovascular system - NO heart disease at all! Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus Christ.

I have now realised that I can speak to God and get answers in more ways than one. I had only used Breath Testing up till now. My friends at church say that we all have different ways of speaking and listening to God. It's our own, personal journey.

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