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Sing for the Glory of God

To sing best, please download the tracks from the previous page, called Sing Better in Half an Hour, and practise them for 2 hours a day for 2 years. Then, or concurrently, practise the breathing from this book, called How to Sing for the Glory of God. 

How to Sing for the Glory of God

When you sing in church do you want your tone of voice to be harsh, like a lot of screaming songs are these days, or sweet. You are singing for the glorification of God, so perhaps the sweeter the better.

And you can change your voice. Try singing like Jimmy Barnes and make it harsh! Now try singing like Patsy Kline or George Jones and make it sweet! 

How do you develop consistent, strong sweetness in the voice, whether or not it's mellow, soft or powerful? It's simple. 

Firstly, Laugh Down on the sound of "chair". Do it with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Repeat this 14 times. The sound itself sweetens your voice!

Notice as you do it that your breathing comes from your pubic belly, just above your pubic bones. In other words, you are using your abs muscle - your rectus abdominis, which runs from your pubic bone to your ribcage up the centre of your body and has your abs in it - at its lowest part to push the air out of your chest. When you do that it sweetens your voice.

Yes, you still breathe in with your diaphragm, which pulls down fully, displacing your belly all the way to your pubic bone. And then, to get sweetness, you push out from your pubic belly.

So practise walking and Laughing Down like this for 21 days consecutively. Then you will be trained in it.

Your Sweet Voice Hand Position

Now add a Hand Position. You can interlace your fingers or you can interlace them inwardly, with your fingertips pointing towards your body. 

Make sure that your left fingers are on top of your right corresponding fingers. For example, your left index finger should be on top of your right index finger, and your left thumb on top of your right. 

And make sure that they are interlaced at the first bones - the ones with the nails on them. Then point your Hand Position downwards so that your fingertips face upwards. This guides your rectus abdominis to move from its lowest part, giving you sweetness of voice.

Go for your walk each day with your Hand Position in front of you, Laughing Down on the syllable "chair" and, after half an hour, sing! Notice how sweet your voice has become, both on soft and loud singing. Do it for 21 days to develop your sweetness powerfully. When you have maximum sweetness your audience will get goosebumps.

Goosebump Singing

Some voices give you goosebumps as soon as you hear them - Patsy Kline, George Jones, Marty Robbins and Barbara Streisand for example. You can do it too. Simply add this breathing technique to those in the book "Singing for the Glory of God - Goosebump Singing" by Elvis Pavarotti. 

This book is for you if you want to

sing better 

sing sharper, so that you don't sing flat

sing flatter, so that you don't sing sharp

sing with more vibrato

sing with less vibrato

sing with more resonance

sing with more warmth

sing with more sweetness

sing with more power

sing with more joy, enthusiasm and love

express your love of God

sing in a choir

sing solo or lead in a choir

How to Sing for the Glory of God

Goosebump Singing

How to sing better in seven minutes

How to sing to give your audience goosebumps

Superscripts Movement

Write how your voice moves so that you can learn it well and do it best.


Superscript your words to remember what works best in each song, so that you get the fullest expression of the song beautifully performed to give your audience goosebumps.

God Sings You

If you sing in a choir you might like to wear this, along with your friends. Revelations 22:4 says to wear the name of God on your forehead, and this is one way to do it. Just get a local seamstress to make the headband out of red material and paint the words on with non-toxic paint from your local craft shop.

Fear Not, for God is with YOU!

Do not be scared to sing! Hopefully, the story of my long, singing career and my armchair critics will both amuse you and encourage you to sing too. Let go of your fear and express yourself with your beautiful voice.


God made it, so it’s perfect. You simply need to learn how to use it, and that’s given to you in this website.

We all have vocal cords, so if you can speak you can sing. We all have a diaphragm and tummy muscles, which you need to breathe with. Breathing is the basis of singing, laughing and natural health and healing.

Faced with this biological reality, I decided to sing. I was told to shut up and sing only in the bathroom - so I did, at the top of my voice!

I was told that my voice was gravelly. It was! I was told that my singing was flat. It was! So I went to a Western-style singing teacher. She made it worse.


So I tried natural health. It worked! I did mid lobe breathing to strengthen my voice and raise it out of flatness. I ate a vegan diet and fasted to purify my voice. It worked!

In 1980 I busked with voice and guitar at the famous Eumundi markets - before they were famous! There were six stalls and me, the busker.

As I was singing one of my own songs in 1982, at those markets, called “Multiple Orgasm for Men” a nun threw coins into my hat. I realised then that the listeners don’t necessarily hear the words! They just want the melody, metre and rhythm.

My voice purified and strengthened remarkably after two years of fasting for a few days a month and practising breathing exercises. So I wrote and sang my own concert. It went well! I met my wife there!

I proposed to her on the same night that I met her!. She said “I’m thinking of becoming a nun!” I thought that was sooo funny, I was impressed. A few months later we got married. 

In 1987 I sang on radio for the first time. The audience loved it - one even gushed when she called the station to talk to me! 

In the next three decades I toured Australia and New Zealand, with thousands listening in and coming to my performances afterwards.

In 1995 I appeared on the TV show “3,4,5 Live!” in Auckland. It was a teen talent type of show, so I taught a singing technique and sang to them.

After the show the techy guys approached me and said “We looked at the recording and you sang perfectly on pitch with no deviations. You were very, very smooth. We’ve never seen that before! How did you do that?”

Yes, the computer had given them its verdict on my singing! Computers LOVE my voice!


I sang to a woman when we were standing on the sidewalk in a group circle, and she fell over backwards, flat on the pavement. Music can move you!

I have serenaded hundreds of women, who loved it. Sometimes their husbands would give me $20 to sing to them for the husband, because he was too scared of singing and it was their dream to be properly serenaded.

I learned business. In business, they say that you have “A”, “B” and “C” class customers. “A” class customers love you, give you 80% of your money and bring “A” class friends. I’ve had thousands of those.

“B” class customers buy your product and walk away satisfied. I’ve had hundreds of thousands of those.

“C” class customers whine and complain, take 80% of your time and give you 20% of your money. Drop them!


Armchair Critics

Armchair Critics think like this: “Good. Bad. Like this. Don’t like this.” It’s stinking thinking.

Mature lovers of music think like this: “Vibrato doesn’t work in choral or barbershop. Use it for your solo performances. Use it in this song here, here and here, use tremolo here, keep it straight here."

Sing “What would you do if I sang out of tune” which is a Beatles’ song, with the “sang out of tune” words flat, for humour.” Sounds have meaning, and the way you interpret a song may feel very meaningful to some, and do nothing for others. 

Armchair Critics don’t feel, so they don’t actually know what I have just said. Use computers for your feedback on technicalities instead.

I have had five “C” class customers for my singing, out of millions! The first was my mother. She didn’t like my voice and said so. In particular, she didn’t like my vibrato. Eventually, in my 40s, she liked my voice on one of my songs!

So whatever she said was bad, I did, and everybody else loved it! For example, I did vibrato to other women, who loved it!

Then I have a business friend who is an armchair critic. She hates my voice, although she respects my natural health teaching. 

Then there’s my natural health friend, who says that