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Back Relief Relaxation- Sleep and Meditation 

Sleep is a deep state of rest that we all know and need. Meditation is a deeper relaxation than sleep that we all need and some of us know.

You can meditate to relax your spine straight, because your spine is really just like a pole with lots of ropes pulling in in many directions, and if you balance the relaxation of those ropes your spine will relax into realignment.


You need both meditation and sleep for a healthy back, so if you haven't begun meditating yet, start with the meditations on this page. And if you have learned some forms of meditation, try the forms on this page to get a deeper and deeper experience.

Superdeep Sleep

Circadian Rhythm Sleeping

You live in a forest. You wake up when the sun wakes up and go to sleep when the sun goes down. That's called diurnal. It works with the circadian rhythm of your hormone receptors.


Your insulin receptors, for example, turn on when you sleep at night, and turn on when you are active during the day. Conversely, they turn off when you are active at night, and off when you sleep during the day. So follow your Circadian Rhythm to have your whole being feeling well during sleep and activity


You need to protect yourself when you sleep, so climb up into a high tree and curl your tail around a branch. Or go into your cave and roll a stone against it.


If you are not protected - from other creatures and the elements - you cannot sleep well. One element is electromagnetism - radio waves which excite the atoms and molecules of your nervous system.


That's your computer, television, radio and mobile phone. Remove them from your sleeping room.


It's also the wearing of metal, which acts like an antenna to attract the myriad of radio waves now surrounding our planet. Remove it from your body and place it across the other side of the room.


Your insulin receptors open when you sleep in the night and when you are active during the day. They close when you wake at night and sleep in the day. If you wish to develop your receptor sensitivity, you must stick to a diurnal pattern with the sun.


Insulin insensitivity (resistance) causes diabetes. Leptin insensitivity (resistance) causes fat. so to reduce blood sugar levels and fat levels boost insulin and leptin sensitivity by sleeping with the sun and waking with the sun.


Insomnia and disturbed sleep

There are many good ways to improve your sleep. Firstly, come off caffeine - coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, cocoa, cacao and guarana. This may take a couple of weeks as you gradually replace the amount of coffee you have in a cup with substitute coffees such as Teeccino, dandelion coffee and turmeric blends.


Secondly, drink most of your water in the morning so that you don't wake up for a pee every couple of hours when you sleep.


Thirdly, reduce the inflammation in your brain, which may be too active. There are a number of ways to do this.


Firstly, simply interlace your fingers so that they make an X. This can stop your thoughts effectively. Use your God Breathing Technique to calm your whole body as you do this. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


Secondly, encircle your right wrist with your left hand. Try it both ways - from on top and from underneath. Use your God Breathing Technique to calm your whole body as you do this. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


Thirdly, and most importantly, place your right thumb on your right palm. Curl your right fingers over it, making sure to cover your right thumb knuckle with your right index finger.

This calms down your whole brain. Make sure that the heels of your hands are together. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


You can place your hands together like this in nine positions. The first is under your legs. Put them in an A-frame while sitting on your bed.


The second is in front of your lower legs. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The third is behind your back. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The fourth is in front of you, pointing down. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The fifth is in front of you, pointing forwards. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The sixth is in front of you, pointing up. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The seventh is in front of you, pointing in. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The eighth is on top of your head. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


The ninth is behind your head. Press the BANANA button to see this clearly.


Sustain this by Humming Down ONCE ONLY. It will clear your brain at nine different levels, helping you to sleep better.


Deep Meditation

When you wake up - preferably just before dawn - sip a couple of glasses of purified water, then sit up on your bed with cushions at your back and your legs out straight. Place your hands in Prayer Position between your outstretched legs.


Close your eyes and bring the tip of your tongue forwards so that it touches the air. When you breathe in your lower belly should move down and out, and when you breathe out your lower belly should move in and up.


Continue for about 20 minutes, then take five minutes to come out of your deep state of relaxation.

The Law (deep, philosophical song)

In 1982 I met Bob Goodier. He was warm hearted, caring and compassionate, a matron in the psych ward in the Nambour hospital. He lived in my flat for several weeks, then went to New Zealand.

Six weeks later I was given this poem. It's by Eileen Wheeler Wilcox of the Unity Church in the USA. It gave me goosebumps.

The woman who gave it to me, Barbara, told me to write the music to it. 15 minutes later I got a down rush of the Spirit and the music popped into my head. After that many people have listened to it and cried with their healing from a transformation inside.

Three years later I went to Tauranga in New Zealand, and bumped into Bob. He invited me home. I played him this song. 

To my utter amazement he pulled out his music to this song. It was only one note different.  He said that he had the same experience shortly after coming to New Zealand. A woman gave him this poem and told him to put music to it, he got the inspiration and did so. 

We concluded that the music wasn't from us, but from a higher being, who inspired both of us. Thank you, our Angel! And thank you, God!

The Law Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:58

Enter your Mental Workshop

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Meditation (comedy song)

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Meditation Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:31

Create a Brilliant Future

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How to Meditate on God, Jesus Christ, your Soul and Heaven


Prepare your space. Remove all disturbances, such as your spouse, children, pets, radio, TV, phone and computer. 

Remove all metal from your body - watches, rings, earrings, buckles, necklaces, bra hooks, zips, piercings. Wear natural cotton clothing, not synthetic.

Drink two glasses of purified water ("Nature's Champagne").

Lower Back Relief

Laugh Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, using the words "God exists". Notice that you get Lower Belly Breathing and adjustment in your lower spine. Allow this. In other words, it's okay to wriggle around and reset your posture.

Mid Back Relief

Then Laugh Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, using the words "Jesus Christ lives". Notice that you get Upper Belly Breathing supported by Lower Belly Breathing and that your mid back adjusts. Allow this.

Upper Back Relief

Then Laugh Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, using the words "I am a Soul". Notice that you get Lower Chest Breathing supported by Lower Belly and Upper Belly Breathing and that your upper back adjusts. Allow this.

I once taught a group of chiropractors and kinesiologists in Sydney, Australia. I asked for a volunteer to put his back out. The group examined his back. Then I said "A chiropractor is someone who jerks you around and takes your money." 

Being a chiropractor, this upset him. His emotional reaction put his back out, especially at the upper back level. A mild scoliosis developed. The whole group saw it.

Then I asked him if he would like to put it in again. He said yes, so I got him to repeat "I am a Soul" for a couple of minutes until his spine had realigned.

Then I suggested to all of them that they share this with their clients. They replied that if they did so they would make no money, because their clients would realign their spines themselves.


So if the chiropractors value their money more than you, why do you use them? To check that you have done the job fully yourself! You could also use a nurse, osteopath, massage therapist, acupuncturist, or friend who is used to looking at spines. 

Neck and Shoulder Relief

Then Laugh Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, using the word "Heaven". Notice that you get Upper Chest Breathing supported by Lower Belly and Upper Belly Breathing and Lower Chest Breathing in that order, and that your neck adjusts and your shoulders relax. Allow this.


Turn off the light. Preferably, meditate in the early morning, before sunrise. Then cross your left ankle over your right to sustain a Laugh Down. Then Laugh Down on "God exists". Remember to close your eyes, fingers and toes while you are doing the Laugh Down, so that they are open to begin with and closed at the end. Yes, this will take some practise at coordinating the movements.

Then keep your eyes closed, relax and breathe with your tongue in the Cramps Relieving Tongue Position. Do it for 20-30 minutes, then uncross your legs and wait for five minutes, until you feel energised to get up, or sleepy - wanting a doze.

If you feel sleepy, sleep. Don't get up until your doze has finished. After that, spend half an hour pottering around the house gently.

Heaven Yoga

"Yoga" means to "yoke" so Heaven Yoga is yoking to Heaven. When you first practise it your physical body relaxes, losing its stress and tensions. Your legs and hips relax.

Then your emotions ease, losing their stress and tensions. Your lower belly relaxes.

Then your mind relaxes, losing its stress and tension. Your upper belly relaxes. You no longer focus on worrisome thoughts, content to remain present.

Then your desires withdraw, leaving your Heart relaxed and open. Your chest relaxes.

Then your expressions relax, losing their need to make an effort or make a point. Your throat relaxes and your voice becomes naturally sweet.

Then your intuition relaxes, no longer needing to focus on threats in the future, enjoying the brightness of the current learning.

Then you become free within the boundaries of love.

Then you become fully congruent. You walk your talk. Heaven is within and without.

Then you wisely act in practical, pragmatic ways depending on each situation, none of which are the same. 

Then, after you have lifted your consciousness to the ninth level, you relocate to Heaven.


1 Remove all distractions.

2 Remove all metal and synthetic clothing.

3 Sip two glasses of purified water.

The Heaven Yoga Technique

1 Cross your left ankle over your right.

2 Sing Down "Heaven" 14 times on one out breath and close your eyes at the end. 

"Heaven heaven heaven heaven

Heaven heaven heaven heaven

Heaven heaven heaven heaven

Heaven heaven.




Then sit and breathe with your airway open, such as using your Cramps Relieving Tongue Position. Do this for 20-30 minutes.











At the end, uncross your ankles and wait for five minutes, then stretch and get up with the dawn. If dawn has not yet reached you, lie down quietly until it does.

Cramps Tongue Position.png
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