Back Pain Relief Nutrition
Nutrition affects back pain because when you have enough water and fibre to make your intestines flow they don't get inflamed as much, so the pain of that inflammation doesn't reflex to your spin. Go Vitarian.
Back Pain Relief song
This song contains your instructions on how to relieve back pain, joint pain and many other types of pain with breathing. Cheeky Monkey has used this technique over the radio for many years, with an 80% success rate.
It's not as fast as the Laugh Down, and it takes 7 minutes to work, but its silence may suit you better in some situations. Please listen carefully. Write down the words.
Your Alkaline Diet
Acid burns, causing cell damage. Your pain nerves fire off in an acidic environment, so stop eating acids.
What foods are acidic? Fatty acids (fats) and amino acids (proteins). These two cause most illnesses and deaths in modern society - diabetes, heart dis-ease, cancer and lung dis-eases such as coughs, colds and covids.
Ooops! YOU thought that viruses caused infectious dis-eases? Then why doesn't everyone get them?
They do! They just don't get the symptoms because their nutrition - including how much water they drink - is better. The great French scientist Louis Pasteur - the father of Germ Theory and pasteurisation - said, at the end of his life, "Terrain is everything".
In other words, pathogens only thrive in an acidic environment. PROVE THIS THROUGH!
Simply take two fingers of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and put it under your right armpit. Wait until tomorrow. To see the technique, go BANANA.
Tomorrow your right armpit won't have B.O. - Bacterial Odour - and your left armpit will. That's right! B.O. is not Body Odour it's Bacterial Odour and in one day the bacteria die because the sodium bicarbonate is alkaline.
Alkaline foods are organically grown or spray and dusting free fruits and veggies ONLY. Have fruit in the morning and veggies for lunch, and fast for dinner. Go to bed with the sun and wake up with the sun.
Have only purified water to drink - no tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cola or other caffeinated drinks, and no sugar. alcohol or other drugs. Almost all of these are acid forming, and all of them are toxic. Have nothing else except alkaline food and water. Your pain nerves will settle down and thank you.
In Australia, where the soil is deficient in selenium, have 2-3 Brazil nuts a day, grated, to boost your energy. To see the technique, go BANANA.
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Your Large Intestine and Lower Back Pain
Your lower back has many reflex points to your large intestine, so if you are constipated it may well be causing your lower back pain. Your muscles are simply reacting to the toxins created by the feces that have impacted in your bowels. What are these impactions made of? Protein! That's right! You have protein balls in your bowels, causing putrefaction and fermentation, gas, wind, bloating and farting.
To clean out your large intestine, small intestine and stomach thoroughly use the "water bomb" technique. To learn clearly how to do it, go BANANA.
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Your Kidneys and Mid Back Pain
Your mid back has many reflex points to your kidneys, so they may well be causing your mid back pain. Your muscles are simply reacting to the toxins created by the toxic kidneys.
To clean out your kidneys daily, drink Nature's Champagne. To learn clearly how to do it, go BANANA.
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