You have 14 types of specialised tissue. You can use massage points for them.
The massage points are on your palms and backs of your hands. You can release, boost or balance any specialised tissue by massaging its reflex point correctly. Please refer to Laughing Monkey Massage to discover the massage strokes that work the best.
The points for your specialised tissues are in the charts below. You may learn from them here or simply download them and print them out, in which case you may like to place them just above your toilet roll so that you can spend time learning them three times a day.
A tissue may, for example, be epithelium - the surface layer of your skin, lungs, gastro-intestinal tract and so on. A specialised tissue of epithelium may, for example, be the lens of the eye.
You have two lenses - right and left. The right one may be packed with excess protein, making it blurry, while the other may be free. In that case, you work with the point on your right hand for the right lens, to clear the excess protein. Thus, you prevent and reverse cataracting. Cataracts are not things, they are excess protein in the lens causing blurring, which you don't need.
This, however, is only part of your program. You need the full program to not only clear your lens but also keep it clear. Without adequate water the cataracting will return. With excess protein (over 2%) in your foods the cataracting will return. This is true for all metabolic dis-eases.