Back Relief in 7 Seconds ... and much, much more!
Yes, YOU can get back relief in 7 seconds for FREE for your whole FAMILY, including your big gorilla and your little monkeys. All you need to do is spend a couple of minutes doing the simple, easy training in the BR in 7 Seconds section of this website. Simply press the BANANA BUTTON right now.
But do you want MORE than back relief in 7 seconds? Do you want back relief for a whole day? A week? A year? A lifetime? Then you have come to the best website in the world to do just that. Here's how it works.
Back Relief using the Nine Laws of Nature
You can learn to relax your back straight and your body well yourself, naturally, with a little study and daily practise, transforming your lifestyle to one that suits your body better. You can test for your lifestyle needs by Press Testing points on your abdominal girth.
You see, at the age of 22 I was told that I would end up in a wheelchair by the time I was 40, I am now 69 and I ride a bicycle (not electric), walk, run for fun into the sea, swim, squat and do other exercises every day. Best of all, I have not had back pain since I was 22, except twice when I was moving house and lifted hastily and wrongly. Both times I lay down on my bed and straightened my spine myself in 30-40 minutes.
That's because I learned how to relax my back straight by the NEW STARTS formula, which I have taught in universities, colleges and private seminars, workshops and classes for over 40 years.
What you always need to recover from any dis-ease or maintain robust health is a fully rounded, natural health program. This program may be represented by the acronym NEW STARTS. It has nine elements.
Each element relates to an area of natural health.
Temperance through Substitution
Each area relates to a Physiological System.
Nutrition = Detoxifying System
Exercise = Muscular System
Water = Skeletal System
Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System
Temperance = Protective System
Air = Respiratory System
Rest = Adipose System
Trust (in God, not big gorillas or little monkeys) = Expressive System
Sunlight = Reproductive System
Each Physiological System has an organ.
Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver
Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen
Water = Skeletal System = Kidney
Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart
Temperance = Protective System = Pleura or Peritoneum
Air = Respiratory System = Lung
Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum
Trust (in God) = Expression System = Lesser Omentum
Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium
Each Element, Physiological System and Organ relates to a single sound.
Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver = zh
Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen = k
Water = Skeletal System = Kidney = j
Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart = ch
Temperance = Protective System =
Air = Respiratory System = Lung = wh
Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum =
Trust (in God) = Expression System = p
Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium =
Each Element, Physiological System, Organ and Sound relates to a heading on this website.
Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver = zh = BR Ice Creams
Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen = k = BR Buzzing
Water = Skeletal System = Kidney = j = BR Water
Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart = ch = BR Testing
Temperance = Protective System = Pleura = l = BR in 7 Seconds
Air = Respiratory System = Lung = wh = BR Breathing
Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum = sh = BR Relaxation
Trust (in God) = Expression System = p = BR Spine Straightening
Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium = th = BR Sunshine
Active (+) and Passive (-)
Detoxifying System = Liver = zh. Buffering System = Gall Bladder = z. That's because the liver receives the nutritional elements and converts them into vitamins and other biochemicals for your body, and your gall bladder simply sends out the bile to break down your food into sizeable chunks for absorbing and sending to your liver.
Muscular System = Spleen = k. Mucosal System = Stomach = g.
Skeletal System = Kidney = j. Urinary System = Bladder = d.
Circulatory System = Heart = ch. Absorptive System = Small Intestine = t.
Protective System = Pleura = l. Nervous System = Brain = n.
Respiratory System = Lung = wh. Eliminative System = Colon = w.
Adipose System = Greater Omentum = sh. Immune System = Lamina Propria = s.
Expression System = Lesser Omentum = p. Lymphatic System = Cisterna Chyli = b.
Reproductive System = Pericardium = th.
Now you know that you have nine Active (+) and nine Passive (-) Physiological Systems. Each one relates to a line of energy in your body called a "Meridian". This line governs the metabolism of your Physiological Systems and organs, and can be influenced by pressing a massage point, breathing and sound.
Acupuncture uses needles to do the same, but both acupuncture and acupressure (which is about 70% as effective as acupuncture and may be used at home) lack the ability to influence the line of energy when when the points are inside your body - the internal flows.
Sound, however, penetrates your body so a specific sound can affect a specific flow inside your body, giving you a fully rounded, natural health healing system that you can use at home, for FREE, for you and your family, for the rest of your life - once you know how. And knowing how is on this website in books, which can become a reference library for you and your family for the rest of your life.
The reference books contain 18 charts each, which cover the 18 Physiological Systems. When accompanied by the NEW STARTS program you can give your family God's gift of abundant health for a whole lifetime. So please, if you want this wonderful ability, bookmark this website and learn and apply it, step by step.
How to Relax your Back Straight
At the age of 22 I was told that I would end up in a wheelchair unless I learned one thing - how to relax my back straight. My chiropractor was right.
I walked out of his office determined to find as many ways to relax your back straight as possible, and one of them gave me back relief in 7 seconds!
In order of importance, these ways include:
1 Music - the Christmas Carol called Christmas Light helps to realign your spine. Yes, it takes 30-40 minutes to do a session, but the time spent is well worth it. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it.
2 Exercise - Buzzing helps to realign your spine and is the best exercise that you can do for recovery. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it.
3 BOOSTED BREATHING - Laughing Down can give you back relief in 7 seconds. You may have heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. It's quicker to laugh or chuckle than take a pain killing drug. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it and do it now.
4 Nature's Champagne - purified, activated water cushions your spine from inside your intervertebral discs. Press the BANANA BUTTON to discover more.
5 Food - the Genesis 1:29 or Vitarian diet eases pain through alkalinity, allowing your spine to move easily into place. Press the BANANA BUTTON for yummy, long-term results.
6 Supersoft Sunshine - keeps your bones strong and healthy. Press the BANANA BUTTON to learn how.
7 Rest - deep meditation eases tension in and around your spine. Press the BANANA BUTTON to learn how.