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A monkey laughing at back pain

Back Relief in 7 Seconds - the Laugh Down Method

Back pain relief in 7 seconds - including the relief of muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, leg cramps, asthma, angina, migraine, stitch and much more - is possible and amazingly simple when you realise that retired, celebrity naturopath Elvis Pavarotti, with over 57 years of experience in profound meditation, nutrition and natural health and healing, has unique tips and protocols which he is happy to share with you for FREE, such as

  • food is important in health and healing, but you can go 30 days without food,

  • and water is 10 times more important, because you can go 3 days without water,

  • and air is 1,400 times more important than water, because you can only go 3 minutes without breathing,

  • and laughing is boosted breathing - 3 times more powerful -

  • so laughing is 42,000 times more powerful than food in health and healing!

Laughing actually IS the best medicine, yet you spend 3 hours a day eating and zero hours a day laughing! That's nuts! So please enjoy the songs on this website and go to the FREE healing sections, such as Laughing Monkey Medicine, to learn how to relieve back, neck and joint pain, ache and discomfort for your little monkeys and big gorillas as you listen.

When you Laugh Down correctly on the correct sound (such as "aw" for cramps, "sah" for neck pain and stiffness or "chuu" for heartbreak) you can heal sooo quickly it seems like a miracle. So if you want to relieve your back pain in 7 seconds right now press the banana button and laugh (or at least chuckle and smile).

Back Relief in 7 Seconds ... and much, much more!

Yes, YOU can get back relief in 7 seconds for FREE for your whole FAMILY, including your big gorilla and your little monkeys. All you need to do is spend a couple of minutes doing the simple, easy training in the BR in 7 Seconds section of this website. Simply press the BANANA BUTTON right now.

But do you want MORE than back relief in 7 seconds? Do you want back relief for a whole day? A week? A year? A lifetime? Then you have come to the best website in the world to do just that. Here's how it works.

Back Relief using the Nine Laws of Nature

You can learn to relax your back straight and your body well yourself, naturally, with a little study and daily practise, transforming your lifestyle to one that suits your body better. You can test for your lifestyle needs by Press Testing points on your abdominal girth.



You see, at the age of 22 I was told that I would end up in a wheelchair by the time I was 40, I am now 69 and I ride a bicycle (not electric), walk, run for fun into the sea, swim, squat and do other exercises every day. Best of all, I have not had back pain since I was 22, except twice when I was moving house and lifted hastily and wrongly. Both times I lay down on my bed and straightened my spine myself in 30-40 minutes. 

That's because I learned how to relax my back straight by the NEW STARTS formula, which I have taught in universities, colleges and private seminars, workshops and classes for over 40 years. 

What you always need to recover from any dis-ease or maintain robust health is a fully rounded, natural health program. This program may be represented by the acronym NEW STARTS. It has nine elements.

  • N

  • E

  • W

  • S

  • T

  • A

  • R

  • T

  • S

Each element relates to an area of natural health.

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Water

  • Self-Testing

  • Temperance through Substitution

  • Air

  • Rest

  • Trust

  • Sunlight

Each area relates to a Physiological System.

Nutrition = Detoxifying System

Exercise = Muscular System

Water = Skeletal System

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System

Temperance = Protective System

Air = Respiratory System

Rest = Adipose System

Trust (in God, not big gorillas or little monkeys) = Expressive System

Sunlight = Reproductive System

Each Physiological System has an organ.

Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver

Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen

Water = Skeletal System = Kidney

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart

Temperance = Protective System = Pleura or Peritoneum

Air = Respiratory System = Lung

Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum

Trust (in God) = Expression System = Lesser Omentum

Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium

Each Element, Physiological System and Organ relates to a single sound.

Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver = zh

Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen = k

Water = Skeletal System = Kidney = j

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart = ch

Temperance = Protective System = 

Air = Respiratory System = Lung = wh

Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum =

Trust (in God) = Expression System = p

Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium =


Each Element, Physiological System, Organ and Sound relates to a heading on this website. 

Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver = zh = BR Ice Creams

Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen = k = BR Buzzing

Water = Skeletal System = Kidney = j = BR Water

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart = ch = BR Testing

Temperance = Protective System = Pleura = l = BR in 7 Seconds

Air = Respiratory System = Lung = wh = BR Breathing

Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum = sh = BR Relaxation

Trust (in God) = Expression System = p = BR Spine Straightening

Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium = th = BR Sunshine

Active (+) and Passive (-)

Detoxifying System = Liver = zh. Buffering System = Gall Bladder = z. That's because the liver receives the nutritional elements and converts them into vitamins and other biochemicals for your body, and your gall bladder simply sends out the bile to break down your food into sizeable chunks for absorbing and sending to your liver.

Muscular System = Spleen = k. Mucosal System = Stomach = g.

Skeletal System = Kidney = j. Urinary System = Bladder = d.

Circulatory System = Heart = ch. Absorptive System = Small Intestine = t.

Protective System = Pleura = l. Nervous System = Brain = n.

Respiratory System = Lung = wh. Eliminative System = Colon = w.

Adipose System = Greater Omentum = sh. Immune System = Lamina Propria = s.

Expression System = Lesser Omentum = p. Lymphatic System = Cisterna Chyli = b.

Reproductive System = Pericardium = th. 

Now you know that you have nine Active (+) and nine Passive (-) Physiological Systems. Each one relates to a line of energy in your body called a "Meridian". This line governs the metabolism of your Physiological Systems and organs, and can be influenced by pressing a massage point, breathing and sound. 

Acupuncture uses needles to do the same, but both acupuncture and acupressure (which is about 70% as effective as acupuncture and may be used at home) lack the ability to influence the line of energy when when the points are inside your body - the internal flows.

Sound, however, penetrates your body so a specific sound can affect a specific flow inside your body, giving you a fully rounded, natural health healing system that you can use at home, for FREE, for you and your family, for the rest of your life - once you know how. And knowing how is on this website in books, which can become a reference library for you and your family for the rest of your life.


The reference books contain 18 charts each, which cover the 18 Physiological Systems. When accompanied by the NEW STARTS program you can give your family God's gift of abundant health for a whole lifetime. So please, if you want this wonderful ability, bookmark this  website and learn and apply it, step by step.

How to Relax your Back Straight

At the age of 22 I was told that I would end up in a wheelchair unless I learned one thing - how to relax my back straight. My chiropractor was right.

I walked out of his office determined to find as many ways to relax your back straight as possible, and one of them gave me back relief in 7 seconds!

In order of importance, these ways include:

1 Music - the Christmas Carol called Christmas Light helps to realign your spine. Yes, it takes 30-40 minutes to do a session, but the time spent is well worth it. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it.

2 Exercise - Buzzing helps to realign your spine and is the best exercise that you can do for recovery. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it.

3 BOOSTED BREATHING - Laughing Down can give you back relief in 7 seconds. You may have heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. It's quicker to laugh or chuckle than take a pain killing drug. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it and do it now.

4 Nature's Champagne - purified, activated water cushions your spine from inside your intervertebral discs. Press the BANANA BUTTON to discover more.

5 Food - the Genesis 1:29 or Vitarian diet eases pain through alkalinity, allowing your spine to move easily into place. Press the BANANA BUTTON for yummy, long-term results.

6 Supersoft Sunshine - keeps your bones strong and healthy. Press the BANANA BUTTON to learn how.

7 Rest - deep meditation eases tension in and around your spine. Press the BANANA BUTTON to learn how.

Pain Gone!

Just opening the airway to breathe the sinus headache dissolved for FREE!

Sinus Headache GoneRadio 2ZB with Susan Leia'Taua
00:00 / 00:37

Pain Relief from Breathing with your Airway Open!

This blind lady relieved her condition quick-smart during the radio show, and can now do it any time of the day or night!

Success from using Breathing TechniqueRadio 2ZB with Susan Leia'Taua
00:00 / 03:09

How to Boost Brain Power, Curb Cramps and Run Better with Breathing

You can boost your energy just by opening your airway using these two tongue positions - the Baby's Natural Tongue Position and the Cramps Relieving Tongue Position

Brain Power, Cramps, Iron Man2SSSFM Canberra Sports Radio with Jim Patterson
00:00 / 06:32

Back Pain Relief Cookbook

In the short term using music, laughing, affirmations and prayer can all help your back. But what about the long term? Do you want herniated, intervertebral discs or fractures in your vertebrae? That would give you back pain for the rest of your life!

So in the long term you need to build your back by boosting its nutrition. You see, when I was 62 years old I had my bone density measured. It was 2% higher than the average Australian 25 year old male's bone density! 

That's right! My message to you is that you can relax your back straight long term by eating a different nutrition, because alkaline foods soothe muscles and acidic foods toxify them, causing back pain. As well, calcium lays down in the bones in an alkaline environment, but in the soft tissues in an acid environment. 

Yes, and acid burns, causing pain!

Now here's the surprise. Some foods that taste acidic - such as oranges and lemons - have an alkaline ash so they are actually surprisingly good for your spine! To get clear about what foods relieve back pain and to be able to prepare them well, you need a good cookbook with plenty of variety. In this way you can feed your big gorilla and little monkeys to keep them out of pain and playing at peak, performance potential for the rest of their lives. 

Look at Novak Djokovic, the number one tennis player in the world for several years. He's much older than the youngsters, but fitter and stronger, because he looks after his body, including his back, with his nutrition.

So because it's Christmas, as a special gift to you, I am giving away the Back Pain Relief Cookbook, normally valued at $77, for $1 right now. It has over 277, tasty, back relief recipes in it, so download it now by pressing the Add to Cart button below.

Cramps Curbed while Swimming

Jeff's cramps dissolved while he was swimming, just by breathing with his tongue forward!

Cramps While SwimmingJeff Henley
00:00 / 00:36

Relaxation and Pain Relief from Breathing

Over the course of many years I taught millions how to open the airway by placing the tongue forward, with an 80% success rate in relieving pain, ache, discomfort, cramps, spasm, stiffness, stress and tension. Here is an edited recording of the first talkback show on radio that I was involved in, giving away this treasured knowledge for FREE.

Relaxation and Pain ReliefRadio 1ZB Auckland with John Cordorey
00:00 / 06:03

The Many Ways to Relax your Back Straight

To realign your spine is quicker and easier than going to the chiropractor, and far less expensive - it's FREE. All of us need to do it to improve our wellbeing at some time in our lives, and often many times. Because it's done with relaxation, even those with rods in their spines can use it to get some relief.

And it can be done in many ways. One way is with music - the Christmas Light Carol. Another way is with Laugh Downs, which are on this website under "Back Relief". Another way is with affirmations held by Affirmation Amplifiers, which are also on this website but not yet available online. Here's one man who did it this way - David Clothier.

"I had Scheuermann's disease, involving a malformation of spinal vertebrae. I attended a seminar and discovered a way to relax my back straight and regrow my body (shoulder and arm area) which had been injured in motor bike races. I was a champion Motocross rider, but I couldn't even hold the bike handle to ride the bike.

I did the technique at home in front of the mirror and got the straightness as shown in the photos above within 7 minutes! I am now riding my bike again, and it's a pure joy to feel that freedom!"

David Clothier, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

A monkey laughing at back pain

Back Relief in 7 Seconds - the Laugh Down Method

Back pain relief in 7 seconds - including the relief of muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, leg cramps, asthma, angina, migraine, stitch and much more - is possible and amazingly simple when you realise that retired, celebrity naturopath Elvis Pavarotti, with over 57 years of experience in profound meditation, nutrition and natural health and healing, has unique tips and protocols which he is happy to share with you for FREE, such as

  • food is important in health and healing, but you can go 30 days without food,

  • and water is 10 times more important, because you can go 3 days without water,

  • and air is 1,400 times more important than water, because you can only go 3 minutes without breathing,

  • and laughing is boosted breathing - 3 times more powerful -

  • so laughing is 42,000 times more powerful than food in health and healing!

Laughing actually IS the best medicine, yet you spend 3 hours a day eating and zero hours a day laughing! That's nuts! So please enjoy the songs on this website and go to the FREE healing sections, such as Laughing Monkey Medicine, to learn how to relieve back, neck and joint pain, ache and discomfort for your little monkeys and big gorillas as you listen.

When you Laugh Down correctly on the correct sound (such as "er" for cramps, "sah" for neck pain and stiffness or "chuu" for heartbreak) you can heal sooo quickly it seems like a miracle. So if you want to relieve your back pain in 7 seconds right now press the banana button and laugh (or at least chuckle and smile).

Cramps Relief in 7 Seconds

10 minutes into a 60km bicycle ride I got cramps in my right thigh. While riding I Laughed Down on the sound of "er" with 14 out bursts in one out breath. The cramps disappeared in one out breath! That's less than 7 seconds!

20%-80% of back pain comes from back muscle tension - cramping and spasm. So Laugh Down on the sound of "er" to relieve back pain significantly or completely in 7 seconds. Do it right now or press the banana button, chuckle and smile!