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This section contains pages of politically incorrect, rude and offensive jokes and songs that kids don't relate well to. So if you are over 18, please enjoy them. 

Some of them are for MALES ONLY. Females won't relate well to them. So if you are male and over 18, enjoy them.

Meet the Laughing Team

What did one monkey sing to the other monkey?

Sing one monkey!

Laughter Party song

Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. 

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Laughter Party Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:48

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

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Cheeky Monkey says

Start by laughing at the comedy and songs, because laughing is boosted breathing, and breathing is 14,000 times more powerful than food in transforming your life.

Eat fruit! Press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Laughing Larry

Laughing Larry is Cheeky's little brother, and multi-lingual. He speaks Monkese, Chimpish, Orang (and its dialect, Utan), Grillan and all other languages, because laughing communicates happiness in all languages.

Why do monkeys enjoy monkey jokes better than anyone else?

Because they have the best sense of humour in the world.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Parrot on perch.png

God (my parrot) says

God has everything, including a sense of humour. I wouldn't be perfect without it. Charles Darwin is God.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.


Jesus (my Doberman) says nothing.

Dogs don't talk.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Laughing is boosted breathing. Breathing is 14,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to health and healing, recovery and rejuvenation. 

So laugh with your tongue forward and in 14 short out bursts in one out breath. That's right, place the tip of your tongue over your bottom teeth and down into the front gutter between your bottom lip and bottom gum.


This reflex point, when touched (you don't need to press hard, just touch it or the "string" that runs across there) helps to relieve cramps such as asthma, angina, stitch, leg cramps, back spasm, muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, high blood pressure, birthing cramps (about 50% of birthing pain), migraines (cramping of the muscles around the blood vessels in the brain) and much more. The root of your tongue sits on your airway, so it's lifted and you can breathe more freely.

Listen closely to discover sooo much more!

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Holy Spirit (my cat) says

Holy Spirit, activate! Holy Spirit, activate!

Holy Spirit, activate! Holy Spirit, activate!

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Computer Tutor dog.png

Michelangelo (my computer tutor) says

God speaks to us every day, but we don't know how to listen.


Cheeky says that's because I'm partially deaf, because I'm a non-believer.


He says when my lower belly moves in a deeply relaxed way -  down and out  when I breathe in and in and up when I breathe out (think opposites) - God approves. 

"How do you spell FOREST, Cheeky?"

"Do you want me to spell the park or the river?"

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Granny Grilla      and           Grandad Grilla

"Did you see that cute girl smiling at me?" asked Grandad.

"Yes," said Gran. "And when I first saw you I laughed out loud."

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

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Gary Gorilla says

"Eat your greens."

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Grant Gorilla says

"Eat your greens." Grant is really a considerate fellow. Whenever he comes home late a night he takes off his shoes and tiptoes past the bathroom cabinet so he won't wake up the sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Snowball Monkey says

"It's going to be touch sledding today!"

"Why?" asked Cheeky.

"There's no snow!"

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Oliver Orang says

"Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down."

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Chimp with ice cream_edited.jpg

Chirpy Chimp says

"The moon is really useful. At night when it's dark it gives us light. The sun, on the other hand, comes out during the day when there's no need for light!"

Two chimps were drinking fruit smoothies. After a period of noisy slurping one says "How are you doing with your smoothie?"

The other replies "It's half way down, so I don't know if it's half empty or half full."

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Paddy Proboscis

A proud Proboscis walked in the Forest Park bank and tried to withdraw money, although he had no account there.

"Are you able to identify yourself?" asked the teller.

Taking a small mirror out of his monkeybag, he smiled broadly. "Yes, that's me all right."

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Mama Mary Monkey

"How old is your baby, Mary?"

"He will be two next month."

"I wouldn't have thought he was that old."

"Well, you see, he was already quite young when he was born."

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Mama Maggie Monkey says

"My husband loved me so much he wouldn't even go out and find a job."

Monkey & youngster with ice cream_edited

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Chatty Charlie

Charlie shares the art of Catchy Conversation using the principles of           2,1,0 SECSVAKS

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

 Dumb Monkey says

Dumb Monkey was badly injured in a tree fall. The doctor declares "I'm afraid your husband is dead, Mrs Monkey."

Dumb Monkey opens one eye and says "No, I'm not."

Mrs Monkey says "Shut your mouth, dummy. Do you think that you know better than the doctor?"

If God is not infallible, because he gives us choice, and we are very hard to predict, then doctors, who are massively limited to surgery and drugs, are not infallible and certainly don't know how to use breathing, exercise and diet to recover from injury and rejuvenate from toxicity. Don't use a sparky to do your plumbing, don't use a plumber to check your wires and don't use a medical doctor to restore your body from metabolic deterioration (dis-eases).

It's better for others to think that you're dumb while restoring your health with a full, natural health program than to suffer from the permanent injury of surgery or double dumb drugs.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can put off for good."

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